John Truckosaur

I feel like all I remember about that movie is Ian McKellen saying "That's why the pawns go first" about a hundred times.

This looks quite a bit better than Origins and X3, though maybe a little too serious.  I think some of the best Wolverine stuff is actually some of the lighter moments.
"What exactly is it you're a professor of?" "Art."

I'd be interested to read more details of this (not because I have an axe to grind with Sean, just out of curiosity).

Ah ha,  thanks!

Anyone want to tell me what was up with ravers and pacifiers?

Ahh, yeah that's depressing.

From a cursory glance of her website it seems she's still talking about being in The Crow and maybe writing some bad poetry.  Hardly 'Corey Haim' levels of depressing post-stardom behavior.  Am I missing something?

'Particularly the level on which I reside!' must have been dropped from the quote.


I seem to recall a story about Rainn Wilson being the runner-up to Will Arnett for the role of GOB Bluth; similarly, I can't really imagine GOB being played by Rainn, particularly since Arnett's physique is used so much for comedic effect.

You're missing out.

You're missing out.

I'm not a showbiz expert by any means, but I can't possibly think this show has even a snowball's chance in hell at a 5th season.

I'm not a showbiz expert by any means, but I can't possibly think this show has even a snowball's chance in hell at a 5th season.

Probably one of the biggest disappointments for me as far as Fringe sub- or side-plots go.  Kevin Corrigan was awesome in that season.

Probably one of the biggest disappointments for me as far as Fringe sub- or side-plots go.  Kevin Corrigan was awesome in that season.

Something something GGG Joe.

Something something GGG Joe.

Hey, that's my line.

Hey, that's my line.