John Truckosaur

I feel like you're overthinking this- he was on for 3 seasons, and the writers never figured out what to do with him, so I don't imagine there was a lot of acrimony.

"Excuse me Mr. Zombie…"
"That's PRESIDENT Zombie to you."

Red snapper - very tasty.

Just to clarify: Iowa Supreme Court justices are not elected, they are appointed by the governor. The process by which the judges were removed from their positions was intended to ensure that corrupt or otherwise incompetent judges could be removed from the Supreme Court, and unfortunately it was used as a kind of

From the title I really thought it was going to be a documentary about how Fat Mike is a wreck, because he sort of seems like he is.

It's firsties all the way down.

Cex: now that's a name I haven't heard in a long time.

And only marginally more difficult to create than an Instagram-ed photo.

Maybe the new Russian Circles, if that passes the 'metal' test.

I think he's just trading in Western tropes so much with all these movies. I mean Snake Plissken is awesome, but it's not like Kurt Russell is the first anti-hero or something.

"What's your name, son?"
"Michael Bay."
"What's your real name?"

@avclub-c70194b792ea062c5365b619fd3050b3:disqus Ah okay.  If I were going to make a prediction about this new one, it's that him turning into a robot is more of an analogy for, like, PTSD or something vaguely topical like that.

Well, yeah, that's the resolution but the interesting stuff is after he realizes he used to be a man but still refers to himself in the third person.  This new one doesn't seem to understand that idea of a problematic identity at all (among other potential failings).

Yeah, I feel like the first film wasn't just a question of 'what happens when you turn a guy into a robot' so much as 'if a guy dies and you turn him into a robot, but he retains some of his memory of his life, is he still that man or is he something else?'  That's not elegantly stated at all but hopefully you get the

I don't really think of Boards of Canada as a 'singles' band; their individual tracks may be self-contained, but I feel like they're usually best listened to in the context of the album.

Between this and cherry-picking the 'Is that it?' comment I feel like this is some crap reporting.

I got like, 30 goddamn penis notifications.

@avclub-b0dae075785888267fc19871f3e7dab7:disqus "What is it you have in your ledger, Black Widow?  You were only talking about it 3 minutes ago, I've already forgot."

"This is a school."  Damn, I remember these movies better than I probably should.