John Truckosaur

Yeah, what's going on there?  Are they making a second season?

Looks like @avclub-3c445ce8def9399b6003b76a71964edf:disqus got to this point before me above.

"which sees Kermit living in a mansion, something they also argue Kermit would never do"
So a character does something against his nature, then seeks redemption?  I know it's just a Muppets movie (which I can't wait for, btw), but isn't that called "dramatic conflict"?

I don't know, I kind of think of TV Club as not just the place where I go to get in-depth tv criticism (though obviously it is that), but also a place where I can read about and discuss shows that I'm into when I don't necessarily have a lot of real-life friends who are into the same thing.  I enjoy the communal

It really seems like 'Bear Blood' would have been the way to go, particularly with what I assume is the vaguely red-ish color of any energy drink. (I guess I haven't actually seen too much of that stuff after it's left the can, maybe I'm wrong).

The only thing I can't believe about John Noble is that he got submitted in the 'Supporting' category. I suppose he's not young/sexy enough to be in the 'Lead' category.

You're not as clever as you think you are.

Horrifying is correct
By the end it all just looked painful and not at all funny, not to be a sourpuss or anything. It reminds me of a thing I saw on ESPN where they showed shot after shot of different pitchers getting hit in the face with baseballs.

Let's throw the brakes on this crazy train and just agree that "Cuber" is a pretty funny way to say "Cuba".

I see what you did there.

Is the only thing I hear when I watch these trailers.

Is the only thing I hear when I watch these trailers.

I'd like to be mad at you for making me laugh but I just can't be. Maybe a better way to put what I mean is this: if you asked me if I wanted to go grab some beers with Rob Riggle, with the understanding that all I really know about the guy is that I've seen him *act* like an asshole, I probably wouldn't want to do

Rob Riggle
Rob Riggle seems like the kind of guy who always gets cast as a douchebag because he is, in fact, a douchebag. Much like the discussion of Todd Packer in the office write-up a few weeks back, I'd say this guy plays being an asshole too well for it just to be an act.

This whole thing makes me want to sit on a knife.

The dog is his father.

Sad revelation at the end
The dog has been dead the whole time.

That's the other thing about that fight in BB; he looks sooo much taller than Christian Bale and that guy is like 6 feet tall.

Liam Neeson/Batman Begins
Why list all the bad movies Neeson has been in as an action star when he fucking OWNS Christian Bale in Batman Begins? Seriously that first fight scene between the two of them gave me chills the first time I saw it.

I have enjoyed Jared Harris ever since Resident Evil: Apocalypse.