Gussie Fink-Nottle

Unless you're in the UK, where 10 minutes on 'Michael McIntyre's Comedy Roadshow' can lead to a sell-out tour. It's generally for hacks who belong to the same agency as McIntyre (himself quite average), so I suppose he counts as some sort of curator. I like John Oliver, but it seems like this is where he's got the

Unless you're in the UK, where 10 minutes on 'Michael McIntyre's Comedy Roadshow' can lead to a sell-out tour. It's generally for hacks who belong to the same agency as McIntyre (himself quite average), so I suppose he counts as some sort of curator. I like John Oliver, but it seems like this is where he's got the

AHWoSG was wonderful when I last read it (admittedly a few years ago in my early 20s, like @Gjetostbuster:disqus says above and @avclub-22eda830d1051274a2581d6466c06e6c:disqus says about McSweeney's writing in general) and I enjoy some of his short stories.

AHWoSG was wonderful when I last read it (admittedly a few years ago in my early 20s, like @Gjetostbuster:disqus says above and @avclub-22eda830d1051274a2581d6466c06e6c:disqus says about McSweeney's writing in general) and I enjoy some of his short stories.

You look like a zombie, kid. You gettin' any sleep? I can
offer you some Benzedrine, Dexedrine, caffeine, nicotine.

You look like a zombie, kid. You gettin' any sleep? I can
offer you some Benzedrine, Dexedrine, caffeine, nicotine.

Pedantry corner: Finland is not part of Scandinavia. "Nordic countries", please.

Pedantry corner: Finland is not part of Scandinavia. "Nordic countries", please.

What the actual fuck is wrong with you guys? The Nolan Batman films are - at worst (ie. even if you don't care for them much) - a watershed moment for comic adaptations. Begins creaks a bit, I'll give you, but Dark Knight is a (near-)perfect big film.

What the actual fuck is wrong with you guys? The Nolan Batman films are - at worst (ie. even if you don't care for them much) - a watershed moment for comic adaptations. Begins creaks a bit, I'll give you, but Dark Knight is a (near-)perfect big film.

I say 28 Weeks Later is actually pretty decent.

I say 28 Weeks Later is actually pretty decent.

A man knows when a man's been Tango-ed.
A man eats fresh.
Dove won't dry a man's skin like other soaps can.
A man remembers when a man's grandfather gave a man a man's first Werther's Original… etc etc ad tedium.

Or even how well he is disciplining you, eh @avclub-1898a4d76532f237d9b5c0592dfe71a9:disqus ?

Or even how well he is disciplining you, eh @avclub-1898a4d76532f237d9b5c0592dfe71a9:disqus ?

@avclub-1898a4d76532f237d9b5c0592dfe71a9:disqus The point now is that you're coming on a board that has a number of people wanting to discuss a show on a different level to the physical attractiveness of the actresses, and that subject has been dealt with exhaustively (and exhaustingly) before.

@avclub-1898a4d76532f237d9b5c0592dfe71a9:disqus The point now is that you're coming on a board that has a number of people wanting to discuss a show on a different level to the physical attractiveness of the actresses, and that subject has been dealt with exhaustively (and exhaustingly) before.

This conversation and the Auster references above make me question why exactly the AVC talks about "pop" culture… in a good way.

I give the AV Club a lot of credit for covering Podcasts, but I'm joining the people suggesting that this feature could do with a bit of refreshment.

I give the AV Club a lot of credit for covering Podcasts, but I'm joining the people suggesting that this feature could do with a bit of refreshment.