Gussie Fink-Nottle

Yuck, don't defend the AC with their worst album. Sung Tongs and Feels are the only acceptable counter-arguments here.

Not 'Seven Psychopaths' too? I can see how McDonaugh turning it up to 11 could be a bit much, but Farrell's equally good in it (for the same reasons, really).

Me. Yes. And Tanglewood Numbers. Starlite Walker is mostly good.

Can a British writer and a British artist really be said to have written "the quintessential greatest American comic", as Watchmen is to Mark Waid? If so, I'd say it's an interesting assertion to discuss further.

Humanness is a bit like humanity, right?

As much as I am fond of Yara @avclub-de9240f5c623bf031dcf0fca9770db44:disqus , she is no Gemma Arterton. The actor's name is Whelan, and apparently she's a stand-up comedian.

@avclub-de9240f5c623bf031dcf0fca9770db44:disqus I know what you mean, but the Baratheons aren't northern. I actually think Dillane is doing the role right - Stannis can't be charismatic.

Talisa's pregnancy has more ramifications than you're giving it credit for. Re Jamie and Brienne - don't their actions in this episode count as development because they're performing actions to back up the character development in previous episodes? How about Tywin and Joffrey?

Her arrogance is regal posturing. His slaving, her position and her views on slavery demand the public treatment she gives him. To some extent, monarchism always relies on overbearing arrogance where public meetings/meetings with lesser leaders are concerned.
While you might speculate that the arrogance of the Mother

Excellent points, though I'd characterise the show's handling of Arya as being purposeful reinterpretation rather than botching. I would agree that book Arya is much more compelling at this point, but given the restrictions of TV adaptation I understand the impulse to simplify. And yes, it will be interesting to see

Call me a lunatic if you wish, but Julie Taymor's Titus does it for me. I like Luhrmann's R+J too, but McKellen's Dick the Shit is fantastic.

I liked it. The top of The Wall kiss seems like both an extension of Jon's willingness to show his romantic feelings for Ygritte and something that had been earned by the climbing scenes, which were also handled well. Also, Ygritte letting Jon know that she knows he hasn't fully turned speaks to her strength and to

I don't think you can put too much stock in the actors' accents indicating Martin's real world geographical analogues. I wish more Wildlings had accents as fantastic as Kristofer Hivju's.

I'm finding the tone of this story and these boards a little disappointing. 1) Nudity and porn are different. 2) Posting something of which you purport to disapprove/find icky is the internet at its worst (I'm looking at you Daily Mail website). It makes it seem like you're only in it for the clicks.

I have helped to fund several kickstarter projects. The way I see it is that I have paid the same amount I would have paid for the completed thing, and usually got something a little nicer. It removes the recuperation phase for the creatives, freeing them up from effectively taking loans in the form of advances from

Well, that's not really fair: Savage would definitely call out TM on his cheating. While he'd take a more charitable position in understanding TM's cheating than many would, he'd still condemn the deceit. I don't think he's anti-marriage per se, but his positions on long-term relationships in general make it rather

Yeah, @avclub-85d8ce590ad8981ca2c8286f79f59954:disqus , and that is a decent explanation for why punk and the Pistols were done after one year/album (I feel you overreached on the quality of 'Stepping Stone' somewhat). Dr Feelgood is what Alice Cooper and the New York Dolls wish they sounded like.


I have a similar Pavlovian response, except instead of sadness it's murderous rage.

From the apparently unintended storm of paradoxes and misunderstandings in this interview, I'm not sure he's able to clear up any of this confusion.