Gussie Fink-Nottle

That's a pretty good case for subbing in "records".

Come now, both of those episodes had plenty going for them (overegged accusations of racism aside). They are merely the least good episodes of a superb series.

Oh boy - take another listen to You're Living All Over Me and Bug. Rarely bettered by any band ever.

I'm not entirely sure on what grounds, and to what ends, you would compare Community and Mad Men. I love both very much.

Surely a Maeonegg?

There are many great songs for you to go at, but if you like the hissy aesthetic then I'd recommend 'St Ides Heaven' from the same self-titled album, or maybe 'Condor Avenue' from Roman Candle. Or, as @avclub-2586d0717b58d4f4383144ca1341d079:disqus says, Either/Or, which is the - slightly less - lo-fi classic.

And what, pray tell, of Shirley?

It has to be "Irony-free Annie". Poor, poor Annie…

Do you not think the fairly hefty reworking may have deserved some recognition for someone wanting to steal the idea (as hackneyed as it is)? Or do you think the smooth folk rockin' sounds were always implied by the knighted Mixalot?

I have a lot of affection for the Youth in Revolt adaptation, and especially Cera's performance as Francois. I haven't read the book yet, so I guess I'm in no position to say whether or not it works in a similar way, but the film's dialogue does have a kind of writerly quality. I would imagine there's quite a lot of

Oh, and sure, there's subtext there, but there is plenty of ambiguity - too much to produce much of a coherent message as a film. I actually see it as one of the film's successes that it has different people using it as a text to support any one of many, often opposing, political positions.

Oh, and sure, there's subtext there, but there is plenty of ambiguity - too much to produce much of a coherent message as a film. I actually see it as one of the film's successes that it has different people using it as a text to support any one of many, often opposing, political positions.

Bane - in common with the rest of the League of Shadows - was not railing against wealth per se, but against the crime, corruption and decadence of Gotham. That is why he never intended to let anyone succeed in stopping him. We should all grasp that, realise that this whole wealthy v poor thing is wrongheaded, then

Bane - in common with the rest of the League of Shadows - was not railing against wealth per se, but against the crime, corruption and decadence of Gotham. That is why he never intended to let anyone succeed in stopping him. We should all grasp that, realise that this whole wealthy v poor thing is wrongheaded, then

I don't actually see why anyone is down on The Hunger Games. It was pretty much perfectly pitched as a family-oriented science fiction film with decent adolescent themes and some good actors committing to important roles. I would say there's room for a film dealing with these themes in a less graphic and intense way,

I don't actually see why anyone is down on The Hunger Games. It was pretty much perfectly pitched as a family-oriented science fiction film with decent adolescent themes and some good actors committing to important roles. I would say there's room for a film dealing with these themes in a less graphic and intense way,

I guess she's one of the Americans that doesn't support its repeal then. What is it called when someone in the minority isn't allowed to form an argument that doesn't coalesce with the majority's views?

I guess she's one of the Americans that doesn't support its repeal then. What is it called when someone in the minority isn't allowed to form an argument that doesn't coalesce with the majority's views?

And not the small ones, either. The MEDIUM-sized toblerones.

And not the small ones, either. The MEDIUM-sized toblerones.