Gussie Fink-Nottle

Wasn't he just extracting Hilda? Silly I know, but no more silly than most of the other customisations.

Wasn't he just extracting Hilda? Silly I know, but no more silly than most of the other customisations.

Not much to say, other than I have that crossover knowledge, your edit was correct that it was not, and well done we three for enjoying Community, Lou Reed's Berlin and XTC.

Not much to say, other than I have that crossover knowledge, your edit was correct that it was not, and well done we three for enjoying Community, Lou Reed's Berlin and XTC.

It's a scorpion both in the fable and the film. The scorpion on Gosling's back wasn't big enough for you?

I would find it difficult to think of 100 more important bands to me. It is a rather ridiculous thing to say anyway, so I do kind of agree with you.

We'll see, Mr Wirtz - he's still got to go to Newcastle and get something…and I'll tell you, honestly… I will love it if we beat them. (http://www.youtube.com/watc…

This is one of the most ridiculous comments I have ever read on these boards, so good work!

Frankly, Craig, since you ask, you are a flatulent pain in the arse. I do not mean to be so rude - still, I must speak frankly, Craig.

I grant you, Will Harris, that Metal Box/Second Edition isn't the easiest listen in the world, but it is also undoubtedly the best thing any of Lydon, Levene and Wobble have ever done. Doesn't mean you have to like it or anything, but if you want to understand their work's intentions, that is its apotheosis.

Come now, folks: pyjamas/pajamas is taken from Urdu (by the British first, but no biggy), so if we're going to get all etymologically nit-picky then we should probably go for "payjamas" - meaning literally "leg clothing".

Good god I loved the subtlety of the unspoken Troy text bit. Superb dramatic work from the young half of the Group.

I find it interesting that anyone could find Lane's telephone manner in this episode charming. Jared Harris's performance was very good as always, but I found it excruciating and a little sad - almost Brent-like in its combination of hubris and pathos. Is it the accent? As a Briton, I might be immune from those charms.

Ou est Fire… ah, voila! C'est huit.

I don't agree that Mad Men is better than Community. I like Mad Men, but I can't say I find it at all surprising or revelatory, both of which I find in Community's cast, construction etc.

Good lord, Brian Wilson's return to the stage was as sad a money-grab as I have ever seen. The man couldn't perform his own music at all, and the super-slick group he toured with threw his incompetence into tragic relief.

Nice review, Noel - 'Damaged' is one of the most underrated albums by any band, and this new one seems as good as anything they've done - up there with the band's early 2000s zenith.

"LoveStoned/I think she knows" is flat out great.

Perchance, The Bollock?

Amazing that you took that response seriously. Well played.