Gussie Fink-Nottle

Hale was in The Insider! too, which I really liked, but most other people I know hated/were indifferent to it.

HOOP: Lindsay Bluth's campaign to save the Daweskin.

Aphex…"big beat"? Really?

"Non-composer" Greenwood did hold the position Composer in Residence at the BBC for a couple of years too; I'd have to agree that it was a lazy segment, though I appreciate the point you were making. Perhaps it would have been better to talk about it from another angle; why is providing a film soundtrack attractive to

If he really wants to do 12 episodes only, he should make something on a microbudget for the BBC.

Almost exactly what I thought of it - though I tended to think its inertness was kind of appropriate. And it's refreshing to see sex treated in an antierotic way every so often (like Blue Valentine, which was out a month or so before this in the UK).

Tasha's criticisms of Tinker, Tailer… are hard to fathom. Dismissing it for being about dour men in dour suits having dour and confusing "adventures" doesn't really give it a chance, since that is the whole ruddy point.

Read the books! He's even more unbearable in them!

Exactly. I've heard of him, but having thought his music was at best bog-standard, I can't say I've heard/seen him again on my pop culture travels.

I'm only kidding, by the way - HttT has a bit of a slump in its third quarter that makes it slightly short of Radiohead's best work.

"I'm a media enthusiast and I demand to be blown away!"

"I'm half French and half English, so when I see a baguette I don't know whether to eat it, or stick it in my ass!"

Come, come lads - dual nationality isn't that hard to cope with.

He's my fact-checking coz.

Come on, Lovecraft. That cover was abysmal. It drained everything good out of Dylan's Highway 61 recording - the vocal delivery, the quasi-improv guitar, even the language given how it was sung - and made it a pissy, shallow piece of corporate rock shite.

In quite a few recent films, the doppelganger is actually the superior: Super over Kickass, Infamous over Capote, Friends with Benefits over No Strings Attached (albeit the better of a bad pair, sometimes). The obsession with who gets their production on screens first does seem a bit strange.

Babylon 5's a big pile of shit!

Really well put, IJ.

Dunno - I think I could get behind a collection featuring the best-selling from 1959, 1968, 1970, 1972, 1977, 1980, 1983-4 and 1988. Plenty  of horrible stuff in the last two decades though.

Yeah - another vote here for RET as a much better album than the reviewer suggests.