Gussie Fink-Nottle

Stop putting so much stock in the fucking arbitrary letter "grades". They are there to get you to click the link to the review and nothing more.

Alright, unicyclistperiscopes, he didn't call you fatty as soon as he saw you.

This is an amazing thread - thank you to everyone involved.

I cannot belive how seriously you all take the "grades". Fuck them - they're for people who can only read words that have fewer than two letters syllables. (They have problems with Ws, but they never get beyond F, so it's all ok (except in the UK, where Gs and Us are also possible).)

We don't need this AGAIN do we? He made some great films and did a bad thing. Surely the consensus is there by now. You don't need to attack the films he directed because he raped someone and you don't need to defend him because he was the director of some great films.

Yeah, bad call on Gillian Anderson - she was no Scully in The Last King of Scotland or (shudder) Straightheads.

Haven't you just pretty much described making a film that isn't Southland Tales (albeit with The Rock and SWS) as the way to make Southland Tales good? And if so, does this mean you liked Welcome to the Jungle?

With you all the way on Dead Man, Sheltie. Not you, Skyler, but your love for Ed Wood excuses this one poor judgement.

She's a geek
A girl geek. Furthermore, she likes the funny.

All the complicated details
of the attiring and
the disattiring are completed!
A liquid moon
moves gently among
the long branches.
Thus having prepared their buds
against a sure winter
the wise trees
stand sleeping with Amanda Bynes in the cold.

This thread contains the most epically boring argument I have ever read. You didn't deserve that, Hypnotoad.

No love for Liberty Valance?

Oh man, 'Let Down' is a great shout - completely overwhelming listened to loud on headphones while working a crappy menial job in the summer after graduation.

Not to forget his macrophiliac phase: "I'm a Giant-Fucking Douche"

Chrrrist! - I suggest you take another look at Tintin in the Congo: pretty revealing of Belgium's attitude to its colonies in the 1930s, and definitely - by today's standards - racist. But then, you could say the same about Evelyn Waugh; I still find a lot to love in them both.

SIMON and Austin - Presumably Hilton has more DNA in common with a crab than with you or me.

Bob - fair enough. Please read it and report back yourself rather than just defer to Ellen's overly polite review. The pretty consistent stream of reviews of this stuff (given the time restraints on book reviews at the AV Club) reeks strongly of bullshit.

I love this attitude that making a hugely ambitious film in Dutch somehow makes it Verhoeven's "retreat".

This is insane
Why is the AV Club giving a quarter of its book reviewing space to this ridiculous gimmick every other week? I mean, sure, it was fairly funny the first time around, but suggesting Android Karenina "just doesn't capture the depth of feeling of its source" is pretty much redundant.

Yeah - I'm so very with you all the way. Definitely. I hate it SO MUCH when people don't produce something I can easily align with their outward image. I also hate it when the black girl isn't all sassy and shit. And when the Asian isn't good at maths - drives me up the fucking wall.