Gussie Fink-Nottle

I thought 'Volver' was one of Almodovar's strongest and easiest to get into first off. I'm wary of suggesting a director with such strongly defined and relatively narrow stylistic/thematic concerns, but I felt watching this was to Spanish melodrama as Once Upon a Time in the West is to Westerns. Sort of like a

District 9, bitches!

For a (grey) man usually so particular about his grammar, that's an interesting apostrophe.

This post possibly stretches the definition of "reasonable discussion".

miles - It was just the balls, actually.

That's some pretty depressing postage right there, Luwrouwr.

She's certainly no singer, but all my favourite singers couldn't sing anyway. I don't think you'd be disappointed with Dreaming of Revenge if you liked Legs to Make us Longer - in fact I highly recommend it. I enjoyed this one mainly for the exciting dynamics, which take it way out of most "indie rockers" leagues.

Oh good lord, he's one of ours. Sorry.

It's funny seeing all these "arguments" basically shouting at label or band (or both), since it was written so clearly in their contract that the Floyd have this degree of control over the way their music is sold. This part of the board seems to be the only thread to have acknowledged this fact (including perhaps the

Good god, folks - calm down! Should the more reckless commentators here ever revisit this board, they really ought to take a long look at themselves.

But it's the one thing he knows how to say (to the bright ringing drone of 8-bit choirs).

And so a secret kiss brings madness with the bliss and I will think of this when I'm dead in my grave. What a great album that is.

Fun fact: the first ever cricket international was between Canada and the USA on Staten Island.

You could equally argue that leaving it in the viewer's hands to realise its significance is a quieter, more powerful way to achieve intertextual significance.

I definitely agree with all these posts. The impression I got from Ianucci's PR blitz for In the Loop is that the Decision Makers believe the events portrayed are too particular to the British political system, and therefore they think the audience won't be able to understand it. Yet another example of the contempt

I'm pretty sure that Lone Audience has never been 15.

Der Wanderer and LadyUranus, I couldn't agree less. Possibly influenced by the staging suggested by Brecht-Weill in their Threepenny Opera, I felt the shaky voices lent the film poignancy and a dirty, lofi quality that helped Sondheim's music shake off 60-odd years of godawful Musical genre trappings. Generally Burton

Good Lord, the man's not even a Joey Barton.

Jason, CRCR and Terror Twilight are low points and occasionally duller than their others, but I still love much of what is contained within. Wowee Zowee and Brighten the Corners are great, as of course is Slanted and Enchanted. If you're bored of them you're bored of music. (US Indie Rock music, at least.) And they

That is one of the more ridiculous comparisons I've heard this morning.