
Shit like that 8k thing make me wish i'd registered my account when i started on the boards, instead of when they did the format switch. Damn my laziness, according to this I'm not even at 100!

@ba: we know why you rubberneck

Selfish with a singular purpose? I guess you could call that evil, but I think he's more of a dick that should have found a nice death eater and settled down instead of pining after Lily.

You're not all excited for Caroline in the City?

Hahaha, and that driving! They just can't seem to get it right!

Wharrlglarble! Not again!

i do it for myself, i like having a record of my weird thoughts and the strange things i see throughout the day.

It's that double-edged sword, I hate her, but I love hating her so much. WTF with the nose and chin job denials for years?!?!?! Like we're so f*cking stupid we wouldn't notice… And the songs… she can't sing and has all the studio magic in the world backing her up and that's the shit she releases? ARGH!

An Open Letter to Asslee
Starts off as an actress: suck
Tries singing: suck and make an ass out of yourself
Tabloid fodder: Win!
Acting again: suck

I have weird thoughts sometimes. When i send them to my friends i get weird looks, but twitter doesn't judge me.
No, really, it's stupid but I like it.

Like so many other awesome things
It's like the internet willed this thing into existence.

The Hills is breeding? Shit.

You know what this room needs? A huge poster of Atlantic City.

Argh, Jukebox, I had that one lined up and ready to go!

So I Married an Axe Murderer
A few friends and I still love (and quote) that movie. Now I find myself really hoping those poems were a joke. How did it come to this? Should we call Amanda Plummer to finish the job she started in this movie?

As soon as Beyonce got involved we were all fucked.

I often wonder where his power came from. How could a guy like that end up with so much weight to throw around, and end up squandering it with such gusto?

Someone described it to me as Clueless, but without any plot, jokes, decent characters, and even less redeeming social value. And more blank stares.

Do Not Want
No more SNL movies. At this point it'd either be that terrible Kristin Wigg one-upper character or something even more horrifying like Cougar Talk or whatever that trainwreck POS was called.

The Hills
…that fucking show. I have so many questions about how and why it exists, and nobody, not even people who watch it, can tell me the appeal.