
It's on a bit past my bedtime.
I stayed up for Conan, because I love him (and made my Fable II character look just like him). Maybe I'll stay up and watch this…. maybe.

How about some Sabor de Solidad?

I wonder….
Will Harry Shearer pick up his Spinal Tap character or Mighty Wind Character? Dude looks fierce in a dress….

Werewolf Bar Mitzvah
So when can we expect the musical stylings of one Mr. Tracy Jordan?
I really wanna hear that raunchy xmas album….

Maybe not the best episode
but it had me laughing my ass off pretty often, so i'll call it a win.

At least you get the decent Kitchen Nightmares where it's about fixing things instead of making dudes cry by screaming at them for an hour. And I'm already sick of being told I should love Jamie Oliver. "Ooooh, he's so cute!". F that, give me Masaharu Morimoto any day.

Seriously, ABC?
"What Would You Do?" has been done. To perfection by one Marc Summers. I bet they won't even have that chair that flings a bunch of pies at you all at once. Fail, ABC. Shameful, shameful fail.

Screw Aruba
90,000 friends? F that. Which island is best for the "I hate everyone, leave me alone with my drink" crowd?

I remember him from such films like, "The Boatjacking of Supership 79" , "Muppets Go Medieval" , "The Revenge of Abe Lincoln", and who could forget "The Contrabulous Fabtraption of Professor Horatio Hufnagel" (also director).

You guys need something stronger than "The Hater" nowadays.
May I suggest "The Depressor" or "The New Recession Downer" or maybe "The Everything's The Worst News"?

Yeah, I'm hoping it's just a phase.

What did she call it? Tranny prostitute infested?

Charlie Sheen is my dad's role model.
But do the shirts come with insane famewhore ex-wives? It'd save me so much trouble trying to find my own.

@mta: i've been trying to remember the name of that show since i started seeing ads for this movie. Thanks!

AW, DAMNIT how is it not Friday? Way to crush my dreams of sleeping late tomorrow!
But I guess my boss will like it when I show up tomorrow.

"You gotta dress like you're gonna get murdered in those clothes!"
I was kinda pissed that 30 Rock was a repeat last night, but somehow this bit of hi jinks made up for it.

It's the teeth, they look like they're designed to blind you just before she goes for the jugular. Human flesh is the real reason for all the weight gain, but Papa Joe would never let it get out she was a zombie now.

Also, her rack. Boobs shouldn't be lumpy. Not good.

Remember Lordi? Ah, so awesome.

see, i thought i hit cancel on one of them…
i've been having commenter issues all week. can't log in, stuff not posting, stuff posting that should have been cancelled. Help me AV Club! I don't want to be an asshole troll!