
Say what you will…
At least he was famous for SOMETHING, instead of all the famous for no reason people polluting TV these days.

It's about damn time!
Say what you will, but at least he's famous for SOMETHING, instead of all the famous for nothing morons we have on the air nowadays.

The characters, not the actresses. TV isn't reality unless specifically noted, and no, you can't get with a Cylon, sorry.

She's already glitching some, should be interesting….

It was something about a fake michael moore seeing the error of his liberal satan-loving ways. featuring kelsey grammer!

And here I thought horrible got maxed out on that "A Right Wing Conservative Christmas Carol"

I finished those antibiotics weeks ago! I blame the doll.

I tried so hard to get into that show, I loved the concept. But that goddamn Georgia girl was so f'ing unlikeable. Wah wah wah, I'm a reaper. It sounds so awesome, girl needs to STFU.

I think the picture of that Barbie doll just gave me the clap.

Votes for Women! And by votes I mean ass-kicking for women!
I grew up on Buffy and switched to Angel when it got too kooky for me. There are much worse role models for adolescent girls than Buffy, and I really hope this turns out to fill that gap nowadays. We need tough chicks who kick ass in cute outfits instead of

Yeah, it's lame, but it's stuff like this that makes me love the AV Club boards.

It's not God I've got a problem with…
…or Jesus, they seem like cool guys. But I'm never gonna join their fan club if this is the shit they keep tempting me with.

with the ice scraper and the maps.

@Josh is like Germany Ambitious and Misunderstood (Steve Castle if you know your shit!):
It doesn't hurt that we're more attractive and smarter than everyone else. Not to mention so modest about it.

There are notable amounts of THC in Lake Champlain! Woo Vermont!

Who doesn't love airbrushed almost-nudity.
Chuck Palahniuk has done short stories for Playboy. They're awesome, and when I'm done I can look at what passes for boobies after airbrushing!

I just don't get it, my neighborhood is Jewish and Russian, where's this Anglo niche coming from?

I just moved
and there's a little store in my new neighborhood that carries a lot of foreign foods. I've seen some there that have been reviewed in this feature, and it scares me.

Intervention? Yay!
If only we could all get random LSD interventions from people on LSD.

Haven't these girls had enough pearl necklaces?
At least they can be a horrible warning to others. Maybe therapy, not shots and skanky dudes, to deal with daddy issues?