
First 2 seasons are on DVD, so probably Amazon?
The 3rd is lost in licensing hell, you may want to write your congressman about that one.

Well, I guess I'll listen. As long as he promises to watch my PowerPoint about the awesomeness of Satanism when he's done.

Yeah, mine's up in there already. You want "dry up like a fucking desert"

That 16 months and pregnant thing just made me realize that some parents will let their kids be a part of anything just to get them on tv. Goddam I love America.

It's not like he didn't know what he was signing up for. If he worries so much about looking bad on TV and the impact on his future, maybe he shouldn't be fucking some girl with a nickname like a snack food best known for being a drunken slutty mess?
(no offense to my fellow drunken slutty messes)

How's that working out for you?
Serves her right for deliberately alienating her hardcore fans in pursuit of commercial success.


private account is Tina_Something, public is MsStefaPie

We've been doing them up in Boston and it's been amazing. JGoo is like my best pal now and i recently got to see Handlen sing up in Maine…. oh the stories i could tell…..

That is me in this picture. I'm the one in the middle. Promise.

Didn't we all, man……

Get on twitter like the rest of us and there'll be all the AVC tail you can handle.*

there have been…. connections… made *wink wink*
(i have no idea what that means)

We're all way hotter than internet people should be. Seriously, nerds beware, some of us really are hot chicks that love talking nerd shit.

They really do hate the same things in the same amounts. I hope for that for myself one day….

Next Week:
The Jeff Dunham Show 2nd Week Record Ratings Dropoff

What I mean is
I don't understand who makes these decisions. And whoever it is should be fired. From a cannon. Into the sun.

There are no words
WHARRGLARBLE ::barfs, dies::

No, it's all me and Angel, sometimes Willow.

I should start sending movie studios my terrible Buffy fan fiction.