
How does that work? Are these lowest common denominator chicks where nonsensical verses and ridiculous chorus activate some kind of internal chick viagra? I guess I should just be happy my ladybits remain unmoved by this song.

Throw some food coloring on oatmeal.
And it's still oatmeal. Wake me up when they get interesting. Like Zombie Coldplay, or completely on fire Coldplay.

Best Rock Performance By A Duo Or Group WIth Vocals: "Sex On Fire," by Kings Of Leon
That is the WORST song. Sex on fire sounds like some kind of infection of the junk, and I'm all set with that.

Weird Things
When watching Fawlty Towers earlier in the evening, they made the same exact podiatrist/pediatrician joke as Jenna in this episode. It was really weird.

The whole 30 Rock internal show universe is so awesome, I just need more Kenneth. I want to go to there.

In Protest
I will not see this movie and instead shoot zombies on my Xbox all weekend. Stupid gender, why can't we get funny or at least reasonably decent movies?

Was it one specific bird she hated or birds in general? Because I'm imagining some kind of they lock eyes and glare scenario. Like it's personal.

Long boring Monday
I can't believe I read the whole thing. I must need more work to do at this job thing.

He was funny on Chapelle's Show. But that could have been because he didn't talk or really do anything but stand around and play guitar.

Classic Lemon
I loved that they skipped the montage and instead used the time to let tracy and jenna describe it exactly. My mental picture of tracy's crazy outfits is probably funnier than anything they could show me.

Last Updated
I really miss the last updated timestamp at the top. I check the site multiple times a day, and that really helped me see if there was new content. Now I'm scrolling the whole page to see if there are updates.

Regional Commercials
In New England, or at least southern NE, we have 2 wars going on over regional commercials.
The Auto-Mile Wars (rt 2 vs rt 44, hilarious!)
The Furniture Wars
The furniture war has been raging on for years before my birth, and will continue long after we're all dead. Bernie and Phil going after the

Regional Commercials
In New England, or at least southern NE, we have 2 wars going on over regional commercials.
The Auto-Mile Wars (rt 2 vs rt 44, hilarious!)
The Furniture Wars
The furniture war has been raging on for years before my birth, and will continue long after we're all dead. Bernie and Phil going after the

I can't wait till I'm old enough to feel ways about things and stuff!

But who will narrate everything for us?
I so seldom cry at movies, but this man had me bawling during the Shawshank Redemption. He's just one of those guys that has to exist, who else could do what he does?

strangers with candy complete series
has a great special feature that loops all of their end credits dance sequences. I put it on during parties, and it's actually good for sparking some terrible drunken dancing. And isn't that what we all want?

Maybe it was more overacting than a problem with the story. They were too glassy eyed to sell me on them rationalizing it to themselves as opposed to crazy assimilation.

I really liked this one.
It's the first episode of the series that I've not only been able to sit through, but also been able to really enjoy. Although, I'm generally a fan of the distopia/stepford/fascist community device in my horror stories.
I loved the foreshadowing at the Christmas party, seeing the neighbor's

"the last sentence you said echoes in your brain"
I think of that line more often than I'd like to admit. Mostly those multiple times a day where there's an awkward pause after I've said something weird.

still flossing, i need to get listerine or rubbing alcohol or something. don't watch it.