
my god, i just threw up in my mouth a littleā€¦
i will floss. over and over again until that image isn't quite so burned into my corneas.

I'm excited to see the review of this one. Did you get the special edition with the pasties?

are they always squinting? In every photo of these little pop moppets it looks like they either need glasses or are staring into the sun. Is that a part of their unnecessary bandanna-d shaggy haired cover of "Non-Threatening Boys" magazine look?

I don't get it
Is he from the future or the 80's?

I'd see it.
I'd totally see Amelie's version. it sounds just about as good if not better than most of the stuff the "creative forces" (i think i just threw up in my mouth a little at that) behind this have made.

Question for the creators.
Could you confirm that they actually have the whole story planned out and aren't totally fucking with us?