Formal Batman

Because nobody on a TV show is ever friends with anyone who isn't also on that TV show.

I choose to view "The Rock" as an unofficial Bond movie, even though the timelines make no sense. But Connery as a disavowed, hypercompetent British secret agent with an alias? Come on, he's obviously Bond (except he's totally not.) (Don't ruin this for me.)

You, sir, are listing my broken dreams.

Winston actually figured pretty prominently in the A-story. Crazy!
Sort of, but they literally said, "Winston, go off and do something else!" once the third act got started.

All of them.

Ted treated her like a piece of meat, an object, a "reward" for doing absolutely nothing.

(I know I shouldn't do this, but here I go anyway…)

Yeah, Season 8 was a dark time.

He is. I'm saying someone other than Marshall used it in reference to him or herself.

the teachers' office was up a flight of stairs at the back and had a long horizontal window facing the shower room. I never saw them looking down on us, but they could have

At least one other character has used "Come again for Big Fudge?" in reference to themself, but I cannot remember who, which episode, which season, what the context was, or if any of this is real.

Agreed! I chalk it up to him being under duress in this particular situation, and also, as @theburntice:disqus points out below, it was not his check.

Marshall & Lily as S1 Barney and Robin was inspired, as was the recurring gag with the Knight. I am going to miss this show so much.

I feel the same about Natalie Portman in The Professional; I think any male adult who loves that movie needs to closely watched.
Re-watching that movie as an adult, while I still really like it, I am shocked and appalled that they got away with presenting Portman's character as they did.

Congratulations. You've taken your first step into a much larger world.

Amen, brother (or sister.) I unabashedly love this song.

That's what I said!

It was September 19, 1981. My parents had intended to go, but I was born seventeen days earlier and thus they had to skip it. They remind me of this often.

It only matters in the sense that I would not recommend that someone buy it, as even slightly enriching someone who donates their wealth to organizations promoting bigotry and inequality isn't something I want any part of.
So I guess if Hat (or anyone) wanted to take it out of the library, I'd say go for it.