Formal Batman

The A.V. Club
Better than Mein Kampf, but not much

This episode went from zero to holy shit in no time at all. For fifty minutes it was just tooling along with sad dream sequences and then BAM! Telekinetic murder twins. That's my kind of X-Files.

He's lying. There's no such movie.

That's who the character is (sort of) named after. Writer/artist Kyle Starks is a big wrestling fan and his first Kickstarter project was a wrestling-themed graphic novel called "The Legend of Ricky Thunder."

As much as I do like it, Human Touch sounds more like someone doing a Springsteen impression based on a really superficial description of what a Springsteen album is like instead of any real firsthand knowledge.

I guess Disc 4 would be from the Human Touch/Lucky Town era?

Perhaps I shouldn't say awful- though I do think "Queen of the Supermarket" is his worst song ever, and it's not close- but I do think it's his weakest album. That said, the worst Springsteen album is still pretty good.

Well, thanks, now I have to go home tonight and make a "Lucky Touch" playlist. That certainly won't take me all night.

"But from the sound of not only The Rising, but Magic and Working On A Dream they were back and firing on all cylinders."

As someone whose Bruce fandom is trumped only by his comics fandom, I view Human Touch and Lucky Town as the equivalent of that period where Superman was blue and had electricity powers. It wasn't that great (though it wasn't as bad as everyone says) and it didn't really make sense, but it's still an important part of

In all fairness, this is a problem that literally every TV show ever has had.

I was on the fence until "Dancing With The Czars." Now I'm all in.

Jack Donaghy is Muppet Jack Donaghy.

You had an elephant. His name was Stampy. You loved him.

I finished it Sunday morning. Franzen continues to kind of be the Dan Aykroyd of American letters- he's good, and occasionally great, but deep down everyone kinda wishes he was his more dynamic, more talented, unfortunately dead best friend. Purity is not as good as the people who write Time magazine cover stories or

I like the phrase "out of retirement" because it makes it sound like retirement is a finite resource and he has exhausted his supply of it.

He's pretty white.

I like this episode, but I feel like not enough is made of the fact that when Roy wants to leave and Pam doesn't, he very roughly grabs her arm to try and stop her walking away. I don't know if this was intentional foreshadowing of Roy's anger issues or what, but I find that one part- and it's super, super quick;

I just assumed milk wouldn't keep in the cooler Chuck uses instead of a fridge. Or he has a problem with pasteurization?

Hoo boy, Aaron… Aaron, Aaron, Aaron… I love you, man, but that whole "I just improved on To Kill A Mockingbird" bit is… it's…. boy, I don't know. It's not a good look.