Formal Batman

"People still give Chris Brown money"
The box office numbers on Battle of the Year would like a word with you…

It's actually a pretty great book (though given Card's political positions I can't in good conscience recommend it), but the movie looks so generic and superficial that I'm actively rooting for its failure. (Also because of Card's aforementioned douchebaggery.)

The gentleman's D?! How dare you, sir?!

Getting Carrie's hopes up with cruel tricks like that headline usually doesn't go well for anybody, Dowd. Just saying.

… so that's a "No" on Dracula showing up?

Let's do this backwards:

So because there was one movie about a subj…. ahh, fuck it, nevermind.

Upvoted for thematically appropriate spelling of "Hel"

I was really annoyed when these supposedly ancient, brilliant, all-powerful universe-shapers didn't see Thor's trick with the hammer coming. They took over the Kree empire without having mastered "What goes up must come down?"

You're not wrong. It's like a crew cut with a widow's peak, but it's also somehow flowing and unkempt. Those elements should not be combine-able.

Well, yeah.

I love that book, but I was kind of let down by this issue. Partially because this is, what, the fourth consecutive issue centered around the death of Grills? It's well-written and beautifully drawn, and it's still my favorite Marvel book, but a little forward motion in the plot wouldn't be unappreciated.

I feel like that'll come eventually. But I see what you're saying. I think the same thing about Ex Nihilo. "Hey, doesn't this guy look awesome?! Bee tee dub, he's an Avenger now. Super important, too. Enjoy!"

1.) Deodato draws most things funny.
2.) Namor's hair IS funny.

Um… I actually am excited about Thane. I'm a big Thanos fan, though.

Yeah, trying to use art to make a point about society is just the worst. Mannerheim790 for Academy President, everybody!

All whilst wearing a series of increasingly outlandish hats to cover his (SPOILERS, MAYBE KINDA SORTA) forehead scar.

I think, of the Bachman books, Roadwork would make for the most interesting movie. There are no genre elements to it, it could work as a more "serious" picture, in the vein of Shawshank or Stand By Me.

I can confirm that this is 100% the reason I have not even attempted to watch The Wire, despite everyone and his brother telling me it's brilliant. (And I haven't been a college student in a decade.)

Oh, man. You are only like two books away from Slayground, one of the most fun reading experiences I've had in recent memory. I won't spoil anything, but that book is a hoot.