Formal Batman

I just started Anno Dracula after blowing through Doctor Sleep last week, and have decided to make October an All-Horror Month, reading-wise (even though I actively dislike Halloween.) Any recommendations for something short-ish I can get in between AD (which I expect will take me till 10/23-25 or so, and the end of

That is better than 0% running.

I wonder if it's that people are having trouble with it, or haven't even attempted.

Hey, setbacks are almost inevitable. If it helps, I started at 312.8, got to 290 by mid-April, and was back up to 302 by mid-May. Just stick with it and you'll be back on track soon.

I actually don't blame the AV Club- it's not their fault Disqus forced the change and they couldn't find a different system that would be effective. And I wasn't even thinking shitty articles- what if we just colonized the comments on defunct stuff like TV Club Classics that are done? Sports Night, Millennium, etc.?

Woo-hoo! Way to go, L&D!

Happy birthday! I have been 32 for forty-six days and it has been much better than 31, which was the effing pits! So you've got that to look forward to.

I'm @Brendan42

We miss you, Pa!

It was back for a while and is now gone again. Mine, I mean.

I know it's been a while but I always had a lot of success telling myself "Stay on target… stay on target!"

I mean, try to avoid it, but if you have to puke, then puke.
This is also just kind of like general life advice.

(The original post vanished. THANKS FOR NOTHING OBAMACARE NuDISQUS!!!)
That's awesome, Hat! Keep it up! And thank you.

THANK you! I've been saying this for months.

The "Somehow The Initial Post Of The Weight Loss/Fitness Thread Disappeared So Now There's a Bunch of Seemingly Random Comments Replying to Nothing About 5Ks and Water Weight" Thread
Because… yeah.

But which pages? What's On Tonight seems like a good one.


Early Weight Loss/Fitness Thread Because I'm Worried About NuDisqus Crapping Out Mid-TI


Just assume anyone who downvotes you is a new incarnation of Sluggo and they're respawning like Time Lords now.