Formal Batman

I try not to talk in absolutes or superlatives when discussing media of any kind, but "Jose Chung's From Outer Space" is so good that if you watched it, having never watched an episode of the X-Files, and never watching another, you would still think it was great. It works as both a parody of the show itself, but now,

Flagged for scaring the….
Son of a b, is there no more flagging?! Well, there goes that joke. DAMMIT, NuDISQUS!!!!

For most of its run I watched The X-Files with my dad, and this was one of the first episodes I watched by myself- I think he and my mother were at a wedding that night or something. I was home alone, and I remember the weather was terrible; it was an honest-to-God dark and stormy night. I was about 15 at the time,

Boy am I glad I Wikipedia'd Danitra Vance before making a comment about bringing her back.

can you, though? I mean, you can definitely go on the trip that was intended to be your honeymoon, but isn't it really just a vacation if you don't actually get married?

Todd McFarlane drew my favorite single issue of a comic book ever, Amazing Spider-Man #313. But I still kinda hate him too.

It's still really early, but I'm not seeing much downvoting yet. Let's keep it that way, gang! Let's keep this a place of positivity and inclusion and…

Since you brought it up, it really annoys me that they all still call it "the WWE". Calling it The WWF made sense because you were referring to The Federation. "The WWE" means you're referring to The Entertainment.

Congratulations on the 40 weeks. Good luck going forward, Pa. Peace and long life.


Let the record show, before the NuDisqus curtain falls, my last "Like" was to Hat (justifiably) chiding someone about spoilers. So it is written, so say we all.

CGI Phantom Tollbooth movie?

@disqus_ucwsDOcMoR:disqus , well, shit, that changes everything.

@disqus_ucwsDOcMoR:disqus , I am cutting back on the Big Two. Is this a HC? Maybe I'll wait for the paperback. I'm backlogged on comics as it is.

@avclub-884c4beddd8c98bb3b016bdfcc1bcdf8:disqus , then, yes, I was misunderstanding. Or, perhaps more accurately, I understood, then misunderstood, and now understand again.

It kind of has to be a mini, doesn't it? I mean, how many issues can they reasonably get out of a zombie apocalypse story?

And Batman, which had beautiful coloring.

Interesting. I kind of want to buy this because I like Pope, and I really like Kamandi, but I'm trying to cut back on comics spending. What to do, what to do…

My first exposure to Pope's stuff was his Batman: Black & White story, about Batman fixing his own broken nose. Like you I thought the art was gross and weird, but I read that story over and over again. I described it to a friend at the time as "fascinatingly ugly."

@avclub-9349e20458f64c9bfb83b5221e145937:disqus , actually, yeah, in looking back, those are your better New 52 titles. I kind of overlooked that.