Formal Batman

On that subject, when I first realized that someone had been in the car, I went back in the house to let my parents know, so they could be sure to lock their cars, pass it on to neighbors, etc. And my mom says "Oh, it was probably some punk kids." Then I go back out, realize the comics were taken, and go back inside

Thanks. Actually the car itself is fine- I say "broke into," but they didn't really "break" anything, I think I just left a door unlocked. Whoever it was ransacked the glove compartment, obviously looking for something of value, but there was nothing there. Honestly if they hadn't left all the shit lying on the floor

A good friend of mine used to have a serious drinking problem, which (aside from a variety of other problems) made him constantly act like a huge asshole. It got to the point where- even though we were all friends- nobody in our gaming group liked him all that much. And he picked up on this, but never equated it to

I think Hat is specifically referring to my car getting broken into the other night, which sucked, even though there was no damage and all they took was a bag of comics that I'd left on the backseat. I have also been crazy busy at work, and I'm slugging it out with a cold or a sinus thing, and losing.

Thanks, Hat! So do I.

Save it for the TI, Judge.

That's awesome. I mean, they're New 52 books, but still- free comics are always the best comics, even if they're the worst comics.

Wednesday night/Thursday morning my car was broken into, and a bag of comics (books from the last two weeks) was stolen off the backseat. The only thing left was SAGA #14. They took JUPITER'S LEGACY #3, but left SAGA.

I read it and thoroughly enjoyed it. I'm not an Archie fan (I don't dislike the books, I've just never really followed them at all), but I know enough about the characters for them to be familiar to me, and for a horror spin on them to be effective. It was really well done.

I've heard that Pope started work on this after DC rejected his pitch for a Kamandi reboot. Anyone know if that's accurate or just speculation?

Since saying that you "could care less" about something implies that you care to at least some degree, but you don't give any indication as to how much, this isn't really a fair question.

I am not a regular watcher of this show, but I've seen enough of it to know that I generally enjoy it. This episode though… boy, I don't know. There's a fine, fine line between "jokes about racism" and "racist jokes," I feel like this episode danced on that line the whole time, and fell over onto the wrong side of it

I was getting ready to argue that Cuba Gooding Jr may not have been great, but was maybe the best choice from that particular field of nominees, then I looked it up and saw "William H. Macy- Fargo," and there went that argument.

How many times do I have to ask you to stop looking in my notebooks?! God, they're marked "SECRET PLANS" for a reason…

Yeah, that three part oral history of The Ninth Gate was really a bit much. And don't even get me started on "The AV Club Presents: Frantic Week."

It's an appetizer.

Going the other way with this, I actually think rebooting Full House as an hourlong light drama would make for a great show.

The AV Club
contrary to my interests, and to those of my organization

My work Internet was down all day, more or less, and I was crazy busy. But great job on the three miles, Hat!

Aside from her guest run being over, if he left a note for both of them, it would pretty much torpedo the idea that he's learned his lesson about being a two-timing douchejar.