Formal Batman

… well, now I'm intrigued.

Stop saying that, Nick.

I don't know if Barney ever intentionally got Marshall drunk and had sex with him when he couldn't consent.

Well… Farhampton is in New York. Not New York City, but it's on Long Island. It's part of New York state.

Why not just "Roses"?

"… am I a bad dad?"

The A.V. Club

In its defense, you were extremely certain there would not be a fly in your chardonnay, and the fly was placed there in very humorous fashion. It was not cool of irony to do that, but its technique was impeccable.

I like Blade Trinity…

Liked for the stealth Jack Rudolph reference.

The Shadow: "The sun is shining…"
Jack Ryan: "Who authorized this?!"
The Shadow: (Sigh.) "Ryan, we've been over this…"
Jack Ryan: "Who authorized it?!"
The Shadow: "Ryan-"
Jack Ryan: "Why was I kept out of this?!"
The Shadow: "Okay, you know what? Just give the ring back, okay? We're square. Just… come on, hand it over, I

I am not saying I feel this way (I am, in fact, saying I don't feel this way), but I know a lot of people who, with a straight face, tell me they think it's offensive because of it how it depicts members of quote-unquote "geek culture." That it's insulting and demeaning to people who like sci-fi and comics and D&D and

I read something yesterday about how they're only doing one printing of Unity
#1. So if it sells out, that's it. And I've never read any Valiant books, not now and not before it came back, but damn if I'm not thinking of picking up Unity #1 next week (or whenever it comes out), just in case it turns out to be amazing,

Jason kills in every movie!

Is that a pajama top?

The six seasons and a movie of Lyon's Den would like a word with you on this matter.

I will even settle for Dr. Druid.

Last week. I recommend it.

I keep hearing this is great, but I just can't pull the trigger on checking it out because I feel like this isn't "my" Green Arrow. Where's the goatee and the hat and the liberal blowhardiness?!

… it was mostly a joke.