Formal Batman

… well, yeah.


"The fact that it's totally believable that Penny goes around calling Leonard a pussy is pretty damn sad."

As my granddad used to say, "Matter Eater Lad or GTFO."

Only if David Tennant passes.

While you're right- it definitely was- I really have to wonder how long he gets a pass for that one. Like, yeah, it was really, really good. Probably a top five all time Elseworlds and a top ten all time Superman story.

Semi-related: man, Jupiter's Legacy went two whole solid, interesting issues before it turned into Just Another Mark Millar Comic, didn't it? Oh well. Fun while it lasted.

So I realize this is insane but I think Sum of All Fears is my favorite Jack Ryan movie. The SPOILERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRS!!!!!

That is awesome, Liz. Way to go!

Yeah, that 100 pushups thing is a bitch. I started up again on Sunday and decided to do the first day's workout every morning, to build up to the next "day's" workout next week. Then I promptly stayed out till all hours on Sunday, could barely move the next morning so skipped it, then forgot about it yesterday, woke

my mom mentioned that she was my weight when 9 months pregnant with my baby sister. 

Thanks, Liz!

Also, quick follow-up: quitting alcohol is definitely going to help. I have always been a teetotaler, but a few years ago a good friend of mine got off the sauce after years of having a serious problem with it, and after a year we were looking at some pictures from the tail end of his drinking days, and I said, "Shit,

@avclub-6c6094f256f51e83fe02bce6091163e7:disqus , yeah, people don't get that its got as many disadvantages as advantages, and they can be crazy insensitive about it.

While this is definitely true, it also sort of backfires on us tall guys.  Carrying it well (which I did/do, if I say so myself) gives the impression, both to oneself and to other people, that you're in better health than you actually are. Like, I can get up around 300 and still look okay, but it's still not good for


Thanks! And yeah, it really does feel great. I lost a lot of weight in 2010, probably between 70-100 pounds (a lot of it came back over 2011-2012), and when I started actually paying attention to it, I went from 307 to 255 over about eight months. Periodically when grocery shopping I would load multiple five pound


Good for you, man. I'm 6'5" and similarly broad-shouldered  and those thoughts are difficult to avoid, but it can be done. I've been down that road before and it sucks, but it's do-able. Need any help on it, let me know.

While I actually agree with you… Katy Perry pretty blatantly leads with her tits.