Formal Batman

Weight Loss/Fitness Thread

Agreed on every single point.

That's always how I've chosen to view Air Force One, as an unofficial Jack Ryan movie.


They can keep it in the same ad campaign they currently have going, but have it be Liev Schreiber being a pain about something, then his partner hands him a Snickers and he turns into Willem Dafoe.

Why would you even put that out there in the universe? Go outside, turn around three times and spit!

Who makes fun of that show? I will fight them with my hands. How dare they?

Someone: "It's always the virgin who survives."
Eric: "I'm dead."
Jack: "I'm dead"
Shawn: "I'm as hurt as you can get while still being alive."
Cory (to Topanga): "… thank you for saving my life."

Oh, man, I thought I was the only one who liked Cigarette Burns.

"Bushwhacked" from Firefly is probably not anywhere near the scariness caliber of the ones mentioned above/below, but it freaked me right the fuck out the first time I watched it.

I have rarely been more disgusted with a television character as I was with Schmidt during his confession at the end. "I used to be fat and now girls like me and I can't handle it?" Just… ugh, just fuck you, man. I mean, Max Greenfield played it great, don't get me wrong. But that was some cowardly, reprehensible shit.

Not at all, it made perfect sense. And I had totally missed that point last week.

Only Lily and Marshall aren't joking.

The A.V. Club

It's too much to hope for that he'll do the entire show in character as Lamont Cranston/The Shadow, right?

PREDICTION: She's not his daughter. She's his daughter-in-law.

I haven't seen the episode, but I can only assume he meant cargo plane? Which, as an aircraft that carries thing, is like the total opposite of an aircraft carrier, a thing that carries aircrafts.

"Is the…  Sherri Shephard part ever going to be interesting?"

I can't decide which was the better Douche Ted moment: fixing the graffiti

This wasn't really a catchphrase, but I really liked that one episode where Lily was calling Ted out for always bringing these random chicks around for important family events, showing him the photos of them and asking, "Ted… Name That Bitch!"