Out on the streets, where I grew up, first thing they teach you is not to give a fuck [about Chris Brown].
Out on the streets, where I grew up, first thing they teach you is not to give a fuck [about Chris Brown].
Is that right? Good on ya Drake.
Angst is as potent as cyanide.
Also, "Man, that MLK bitch been coppin' my style since day fuckin' one. I never said this."
When does Kool-aid stop referring to cults and become racist?
Worse than Craig Christ even. And that guy was such a dick.
Back in the days on the boulevard of linden, trees were personified.
Ha. Because you're a dolphin nigga.
So goddamned proud of myself. Also, I was told Bob Odenkirk was on The Office. Why is NBC cannibalizing Breaking Bad and when does Aaron Paul guest star as the fast-talkin addict with a heart of gold on Parks and Rec?
One equis for each eye. Like a cartoon. Get it? Because he's dead.
It's pronounced "Burma"
Rock me
Drake gets an Apache helicopter with hellfire missiles. Wait. Not grisly enough. Rusty spoon?
On the grounds of having to put up with his shit, your honor. Chris Brown is why we can't have nice things. Award shows, not knowing that Rihanna is into that sort of thing, etc.
No, you girls never know.
I remember when this was a reasonable discussion.
You know what? You are so…crap I forgot.
Has anyone else picked up on the Do the Right Thing/Giancarlo Esposito connection?
Buggin' Out?
All I'm sayin is that this shit's got layers.
Boom. Call Weinstein.