
I think one very important thing has been overlooked in this discussion so far:

I feel like I'm taking crazy pills for really enjoying this trailer. Clicking the hashtag on Twitter, or any comment section, just leads to reams upon reams of “WTF Trek 2 Furious?!?!” and “Trek is dead”, which, sure is as valuable as internet opinion always is, but c’mon.

This one scores bonus marks from me for spotlighting one of my personal favourite kooky spots in the US in Truth or Consequences. Though it is actually named after the mid-20thC radio show, it sounds like some intimidating Western-y taunt (actually well utilized by the episode), it's built over natural hot springs,

Timebomb obviously is amazing, but hewing to the letter of the law here, doesn't have a name in the actual title of the song. Or else it'd be #1 on this list.

I am more jealous than I thought it capable to be that there was a concert with that line up and I was not in attendance.

You could populate an entire week's worth of this list JUST with Old 97's songs, and still have a damn fine list.

Funny story (semi-related): my childhood best friend was a props guy on Battlestar Galactica. There's a scene later in the run where Edward James Olmos smashes a fancy intricate replica wooden ship.

So is it weird that I laughed hardest at this episode when I watched Andre Braugher's precise mouth movements when he said the words "antique globes"? Because, well.

Can't disagree more about the ex-pornstars. Something about that entire schtick just hits the exact right spot for me. I will continue to hope for 3-4 a year for as long as Bayer and Strong are around.

Paul Blackthorne's face at the exact moment he watches Laurel put on the Canary jacket, reflecting all the absurdity in the world, is my new spirit animal.

I fully admit that this season has been scattershot (and my attention has also wavered, but that could be that we're watching it live rather than bingeing on Netflix, and a 16-month-old sometimes shouts over important scenes making it a tougher slog), but Arrow earned at least a couple seasons of a free pass from me

You had me with you 100% until LITERALLY the third last word. Arrow is miles better than this, and I actually enjoy Spader enough to give most of this nonsense a pass and watch just about every week.

I'm just so glad that the rest of the world is catching up with my TJ Miller love affair. I see some people with a bit of frustration with his fit on this show, but fully disagree, I think that dude is absolutely hilarious and I would follow him anywhere. The extended delivery of "Jooooobbss" from the pilot was a

"That makes me feel unattractive … Chrissy Teigen."

My wife and I were both just talking about how this show was in some danger of sliding into more predictable angsty teen drama, but then whoops sorry sexual defenestration and priest stabbing, this show remembers precisely what it is thank you very much.

"Don't you DARE ruin this for us." is how I'm going to address every Corgi for the rest of my life.

Zombie George Washington.

I think it was Andy Greenwald at Grantland who put it best for me: this season (and frankly I think this series as a whole) offered more opportunities for Sherlock to be clever rather than smart.

I imagine the internet is not a place to voice middling-to-strong distaste for "Once More, With Feeling", correct?

Oh man, did East/West Bowl 2 only appear in the actual show just now? Canada + no cable = all Key & Peele Youtube binges for me, so I assumed this was old news to everyone.