
Said everything I wanted to and more. A+ rebuttal, heartily recommended.

Can't believe Pally's "That isn't my friend - I've made a horrible mistake" wasn't called out as one of the funniest moments of this show so far. I lost it.

Andre Braugher's glower (Braugher glower!) at Boyle was possibly his best moment in the episode. That man's face!

Late to the party, but had to relate this - Mr. Sims, your wish for SNL to tear you to shreds personally one day? I can say that I believe I have experienced at least a small portion of that exact outcome, and it was indeed pretty great.

I'll just repeat what I said on Twitter last night to someone I was trying to convince to watch it: It's like National Treasure and Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunters had a sexy, sexy baby. More TV should be this gloriously insane.

Maybe slightly, and also, as I said in my reply above, maybe I was just coloured by how the POV characters saw her - as an idiot.

I'm not even sure it's a matter of liking vs. not liking (though last year I was vocal about not liking it, so perhaps I'm mellowing), and Dormer is definitely the best at this version of Margaery that one could want, but I think I agree with your framing it as being affected by her not being a POV character.

I know I'm in the minority, but I'm still not fond of the show's version of Margaery. I fully admit it could be a fault of my own reading and not of the text itself, but when reading the books I always got the impression that Margaery was a sweet, dim bulb - a cog being moved around by the more ruthless and ambitious

I really thought they would resolve the 'Lisa being drawn in by Milhouse's weird negging' in a way more fitting to her character, but then the episode just stopped. That whole bit felt weirder than anything else in this ep.

Then I presume that this would not be a productive counterargument.

I can't tell if you mean that the presence of Andy and Ollie has brought it down, or the fact that they were 'merely' present and not more active. Because if it's the former, you crazy son. Andy and Ollie are fantastic, and I will brook no disagreement on this point.