
If Klaus has a son, he better name him George Mikaelson.

" I never thought I'd say this, but everything about Nick and Jess as a couple has worked for me this season, and I dread even the idea that they could break up."

I would too. Maybe the Gang would have a better shot at a Tony or Grammy then. Heavens knows there's a lack of paint huffing inspired songs about spiders, ghouls, and rape in the industry.

I thought the twist at the end was great. I was expecting Dee's overnight success to blow up in her face somehow, but leave it to the Gang to take someone's downward spiraling as a signal to pull some elaborately soul-crushing shenanigans. I don't know if this show created a new type of trope but they certainly

Jeremy= Worst resurrection  ever

I was confused. I thought the Tatia doppelganger came about because her blood was used in the spell that made the Mikaelsons  immortal, but Silas created a line of doppelgangers even though he made himself immortal? I don't mind the idea of Stefan being a doppelganger of Silas, I'm just not a big fan of convoluted

If I was friends with Tyler, I would convince him to go as my pet dire wolf for future college Halloween parties. It seems like a real waste of a supernatural curse to do otherwise.

It made me laugh when Kol called the gang the "hero protectors of Mystic Falls". He must be using the term very loosely.

And yet, Klaus rolled in like James Bond. You would think he would be more on edge. After all, his relationship with his parents can at best be described as "unfinished business".

I always get frustrated when the group bests people like Katherine and Kol so easily. The show always slips in training scenes here and there for Elena to make it look plausible when she fights older vampires, but to me, she can train nonstop and break cement blocks for a century straight and should still not be able

I thought Bonnie staring at her own body after she unwittingly killed herself was a brilliant scene and a fitting punishment for her arrogance for the past couple seasons with magic. Bonnie manages to display the stunning incompetence of Jerry Gergich and Britta all rolled into one. She should have learned by now to

The calcification of Silas was anticlimactic for me. He didn't come across as big or bad enough for him to be the main villain of the season. This show used to reduce villains with so much potential to a few episode arcs like Ester and Mikael were and should have done the same for Silas. I think part of what doesn't

@CarrieAnn It would be interesting to see what directions the show could go in if it wasn't so focused on saving Elena or Damon and Stefan taking new plot developments and turning them into ways to fix Elena. Saving Elena made sense and worked to great affect in the first 3 seasons when Klaus needed her for the cure

It makes sense that she would want revenge on Katherine and that this urge  would be heightened—we saw how long she carried a grudge against Rebekah. My complaint is that it seems like Stefan, Damon, and Elena all forgot about the threat of Silas. Spending so much time on turning Elena's humanity back on and the

The actors who play Klaus and Caroline were also the most consistent with one another in their portrayals of Silas. They managed to match each others menace, while everyone else as Silas has been kind of uneven. Although, Silas as Jeremy managed to match actual Silas in the ridiculous voice category.

Elena determined to get revenge on Katherine was a silly way to end the episode. Silas is tormenting her friends and could potentially wreck even worse kinds of chaos, and Elena's first order of business now that she has her humanity back is to kill Katherine. The group doesn't seem as focused and unified towards a

No Matt left behind!

So, that answers the question of how you like him now.

I'm surprised they went there, the comparisons to Angel are so obvious. I try to give story lines the benefit of the doubt and see how they turn out, but you would think this is a well no vampire show would ever try to drink from again, especially since it's a generally terrible idea for even a top-notch writing staff

@dah_sab:disqus I'd say he snaps when he kills people, but you're right, it's not out of impulse.