angry samoan

My dad worked on the trains in the 40's to make his way to New Orleans. He was 14. In the 90's I worked at the World BBQ champeenship in Memphis and also made my way to N.O. for a week. Great music and food everywhere.
A buddy of mine was accosted by a knife-wielding mugger in Memphis. He told him, 'go ahead and

Oooh and through this door we have….another gift shop.

Bought my first bag in summer of '77, the show left me awe and dumbstruck.

I could not believe my eyes when Chuck H. actually walked onto Barth Gimble's show. I had assumed up until that point it was going to be some local rube with the same name. I couldn't imagine him being a fan of the show.

Star Trek, Tepid Insurrection was the final straw for Next Gen. No chance this pansified Federation scares anybody.

Tyson retired ? Didn't he knock out that guy in the Hangover ?

Sex and Drugs and Rock n' Roll : Martin Scorcese Shoots Axl Rose.

Clearly blu-ray is the best way to regurgitate this.

Reading between the lines and trying to keep up with the banter, I sense someone suggesting there exists a "gay Canadian". No such thing. We refer to such gentlemen as "Don Cherry". Females are known as "Anne Murrays".

No McNuggets ?!?!?

He must be sick this morning. *Clears throat*.

Amazing how Barfy's ideas, though half-baked and full of undigested vitriol, slide across our palates like a tart bulimic vinaigrette.

No see, you're out. The Stooges in anything make it better.

"So how'd you play today?"
"I don't play."
"I don't play golf."
"So what are you doing here?"
"I'm just making conversation, you prick !"

*Angry; turns on Fox News*

It is so different to ogle your breasts while pondering the interest in fashion upon the site which you impose, please be my fiend at gofuckyerself.com.

So it's not about your Greek-road Ass, TW ?

Precious : Everything Out Of Crissy Hynde's Mouth.

This Topped The Box Office ?
Certainly the most significant indicator that the end is near.

Especially when the vastly superior and criminally underappreciated The Ghost And Mr. Chicken doesn't get it's due.
"Attaboy Luther !" vs. "Das Limpet !" ? No contest.