angry samoan

Saw them in '94. A still-talked-about, ferocious show.

Hey Jude was the second album I owned (after The Monkees. I couldn't understand why it was excluded from 'best-ever-albums' lists. Then again, Back From Samoa never appears on such rankings, invalidating said lists.

Hey Jude was the second album I owned (after The Monkees. I couldn't understand why it was excluded from 'best-ever-albums' lists. Then again, Back From Samoa never appears on such rankings, invalidating said lists.

There has yet to be a better disc released by any band, anywhere since Love And Curses.

Very Angry Samoanosaurus

Naming a song 'Ramones' and then spelling it as the chorus should qualify Motorhead.

Phony Beatlemania has bitten the dust.

And a lights out one at that.

I thought Nirvana was a Wipers cover band.

I'll stick to drinking about my baby.

You're on rugs.

No, it's from the sequel to Project Nim. Franco will portray Stephanie LaFarge's son, Lanny. Moustache to follow.

The AoL era was very 'hit or miss' for live performances. The Archers were big hits, great shows.

Almost shockingly good songs on this.
Put it in the mix with Baby Huey, Ernie K. Doe, Hannibal, Eddie Bo. Fits very nicely.

Apparently no one does. Whew.