angry samoan

Should be the funniest and unintentionally funniest film of Cage's HOF, funny career.

Perhaps he should start making 'fucking films'.

get thee to an ealry…

Otto, maybe he was looking for Sweet Daddy Siki. He used to host a karaoke night at a Lakeshore pub.

He scared the crap out of me. My cousin met his son and saw the familiarities McGoner.

A great show, barely-controlled chaos. I couldn't understand why there were police barriers in front of the stage, until BF started playing. Local show 'The New Music' (then hosted by Jeannie Beker and CNN's John Roberts) tried to cover it but ran for their lives.

I met Robert Gordon Orr when I was a kid. Very nice man, as opposed to the gruff, intolerant Robert Marvin Hull, whom I also met.

When I saw Black Flag in the early 80's, Rollins sat in the hallway after the show and thanked people for coming out (so to speak). He shook hands and conversed with the drunk and the sweaty.

Not in my Community
A shady lawyer with a phony deegree gets sent back to school as some sort of punishment ? Of course only other lawyers could come up this sort of punishment. They should show him first humiliated, then sent away and suffer, oh wait, he spends his time with Chevy. That is a good start.

Everyone forgets to Post the delightful 80's attributes that Markie brought to the table.

The thought of either on a salad is revolting.

Let's just say I'm buy-curious.

ELO : Elevator Law and Order, I like that already. Why have they never done L&O: Rat Squad? Curious times.

District 69 : Wikus Wonders What Goes Where.

But first, a faceoff in the corner.

The Foo Fighters legally forced into only covering songs by the Wipers.

With soundtracks by the Lowest of the Lowe.

Somehow, I think Keith Richards would be much more fascinating. As long as you can understand 30% of what he's saying.

It was Vic, yeah Vic I tell ya. If he hadn't run off with those gems. I was sick, bad sick when I asked for that crane. Wasn't thinking straight. And Prickley was supposed to be checking the molokai. Listen you can't blame me. It was Polynesiantown.

According to my atlas, Mexico would be included in North America.