angry samoan

Damn straight, from Eh to Zed.

You know How I Know I'm Canadian, I had the last 2 words translated by Mort Sahl.

Unfunny Canadians were rounded up and interned at Rouleau, Saskatchewan. Jim Carrey and Mike Myers both jumped off the trains, before arriving and made their way to the U.S. Atta mitztaer.

Or Alienski. It had to change it's name to seem more American.

She hasn't bought it yet. But she's definetely buy-curious.

The second prequel would no doubt be about an alien boxing champ.

But they did encounter humans before Alien. AVP.

Evil !

So you're saying that failure should be identified with a hearty ' Eric Bana'.

And it shows.

JVS you don't have the Cap room.
P-holder, the Habs save money on sweater material this season.

I gave him a C, a bouncy C.

Heigl's 'Hinting of Nudity' film series will last until her gritty roles in 'Hinting of Botoxed Nudity' begin.

Sunshine Of Your Love certainly packed a wallop as well.

Otto, we did time trials on the John Deere. After I left, some kid rolled it down an embankment.

Monotony of 1st Job
Working in a cemetary in '78 mainly involved pushing a lawn mower. But you could scream 'Holidays In The Sun' as loud as you wanted without fearing for your life.

Shirley there's room for all the original cast. Though obviously not in the same frame.

And for one Second you wished that you were here all alone…
And for one Second it seemed that I was here all alone…

She just didn't have the high profile going in, but she was perfect in that role and should have been more widely acclaimed.

Is that what you told Laura you were checking for ? You know, back there?