angry samoan

Yes Ged, Melonville will mourn his passing.

Eddie Hinton's Very Extremely Dangerous and Cry and Moan are both worthy. The song Sad Carol is amazing.

Um, that O.J. thing a while back.

Only if the turkeys were of age, otherwise it's a NY/Hollywood (winkywink) thing.

Alas Otto, last time a road team won the 7th game on the road was'71. Either way it's going to be a rowdy night in T.O.

I'd like to live in the make-believe world of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. You know, the one where they've defeated the Red Wings in the 7th game.

Someone should tell that DBag Dov Charney that he lost and should get over it.

Reading between the lines…
There was a whole lot more he seemed to be remembering about John Candy, Mexico, Tommy Lee Jones, Fletch…

I heard all of his answers in that voice.

Yes MBS, you can see the HH style in Bob Clark, James Cameron, Norman Jewison, Ivan Reitman….

You think it's butter….

It's a bigger shame that pro athletes from the 50's could be homeless within a year of retirement.

Hard Times, Bronson,'75, overlooked.

MPBC, I was agreeing with your statement ('everything from this period is so fucking good you can't believe it') in the 'superlative', comparing NY 69-70 to the best outputs of all time.

And what other artist could make such claims MPBC ? Let alone releasing something from 40 years ago in the midst of such prodigiousness.
No surprise, though, that there's enough here to justify making the plunge anyway. First of all, about a third of Archives is drawn from the years 1969 and 1970; for me, Neil's

JJ, from a local review (eye) :
It's a mix of awesome live footage, Carrie Snodgrass looking on lovingly while Neil rolls a joint the size of Manitoba, an absolutely impenetrable Last Movie/El Topo storyline in which a bearded guy…well…he walks around a …lot"

10 minutes at a Du show. That would have shown you the light Otto.

Val Kilmer ?

Thread cops. Millions of thread cops.