angry samoan

The gratuitous dialogue and amateurish reaction shots were funny, not sure that was the goal.

I wish Clint would've sang :

At some point I realized the comedy was unintentional. Though Clint singing was fairly humourous.

Hangover 2 : Negative Feedback

Just his morning tea. Bag in, spot on.

I'll never be able to watch Match Game again, thanks Tom.

Wish I could have fully ripened Pia, you know back in the day.

row vs. wade

And, of course, 007 vs Jaws.

dyin' ain't much of a livin' boy….

I associate the Hip with drunken frat boys singing in front of the Brunswick at 2am.
Otto, maybe not proven, but your fingerprints were all over that scene.

Nice one, and Echo Beach (Lake Erie) was a crazy long weekend destination.

Otto, I believe that's OVER-played.
p.s. you claimed another victim in Thai. yesterday.

Yes to CCR, Down On The Corner seems like a proclamation.
Any Motown.

buzzards gotta eat, same as worms…

Caine, the Fonz and Col. Austin were the shit in '74.

Taking the subway one Friday night, I sat down on a very quiet car. Turns out the reason everyone was hiding behind their newspapers was a native guy was harassing some senior citizens. He walked up to them (across from me) and started screaming that 'they had killed his grandparents'. At this point I told him that

JC's a helluva an actor.

Each of the three actors could have their careers defined by their roles here. All are brilliant. Along with Humphrey Bogart in The Petrified Forest and Jack Palance in Shane, Lee Marvin as Liberty is a true menefreghista.