angry samoan

Evil !!

Sorry, the new phone book is here, the new phone book is here. And Mr.Martin is still in it.

Dan's worked about as hard as Mr. Mandy Moore to give back his pass.

He's working on the word 'apoplectic'.

Wouldn't that be Palin/Turkeychipper ?

The DSI is patrolling the border now Originally formed as a moral watchdog, the Dirty Sanchez Investigators will make sure only the cleanest of Mexicans cross in to the US.

And his son would follow in politics of course, cause he's a chip off…

or *they're*..,

Yeah Otto, once they can prove their not faking it.

I called Don Cherry this morning and demanded that the Prime Minister close the US border. Since Canada has had relatively few swine flu cases and no fatalities, we must keep out those sickly foreigners !

His work as 'Undercover Mountie' is very underrated.

Weird place for the Winter Olympics then eh ?

Andy, in Toronto we received American and Canadian channels. " I dunno man, did ya poke yer eyes out ?"

BZ, for standing in the courthouse can after the others have left, comb in hand, looks in the mirror and….'Heyyyy…" Never fails to slay.

Pheez pleeze, if you grew up in the 70's in NA with 12 available channels, it would have been impossible to NOT have watched the Fonz.

Wishin' and a-popin', just wishin' and popin' and thinkin' and prayin'…

Maybe Pammy will narrate the kinky genre hit "Golden Girls".

Legally Blonde : TCVD (the carpet versus drapes).

In continuation of random rumination : in WW2, soldiers were taught to scan the sky from right to left.

I was a big fan of AD and had expectations for this show. I did not laugh once. Awful. The 'jokes' might have worked had we known something about the characters, but they just came off flat and at times offensive.