angry samoan

Haha Crach, you're thinking of Hamilton (TO&NY).

And 'I'm Ted fucking Williams and you've got horseshit…'

Evil !

@Penguin, I think you'll be pleasently surprised at how Ball Four is not like the current tell-all sports book. The genuine love for the sport and his teammates (not like Bean though) shines through. The journal-style writing makes for an easy, but never simplistic, read. It humanizes some of the greatest ballplayers

My dad once told me that if you want to appreciate good music you have to listen to it LOUD. Much to my mom's chagrin I followed that advice. He's in his 80's and still cranks it.

Joe Schultz
and his combo swear words - shitfuck,fuckshit,etc. - was just one of the memorable characters in Ball Four. Joe Pepitone hiding popcorn in his foreskin to show the team doctor a new type of STD. Mickey Mantle hanging off the roof of his hotel while beavershooting.
I think there was even a TV series

i-king, check out the Horseshoe, Cameron, Squirrely's, Mitzi's Sister, Cadillac Lounge for starters. Especially if imbibing and good music are your thing…

Don't worry i-king, you won't get scornful looks for speaking your native tongue. Just get off the tourist-wagon, travel Queen St., Bloor, Danforth on the cheap, clean public transit. Park your car cause traffic's brutal. 80F and humid is the norm.

Somebody oversold you on 'Switched' (does it even air?) and RM would be our JS.

Toronto is to Canada as NY was to Amuricans pre-9/11. Sometimes we swear in public which really pisses off the rest of the country.

Wouldn't appropriating Mia's image circa 1965 be more, uh, appropriate.

Twat's the way, uh huh, uh huh….I like it…

Unoriginal and dumb, is that what you were going for Pigdick ?

In Canada, guys with stablers get tasered.

I believe that's FLOYD Robertson.

Ohio is still segregated ?

He really looks like his dad, Scott, in that photo.

From his Enquireresque hit-list it appears you can take the boy out of the trailer park but you can't take the trailer park out of the boy.

He's made a huge mistake.