angry samoan

What was the big turning point for KR's character. One second it's all 'you humans need to die' and then turns his head and says 'oh I get it now' in a dull monotone. What did he get ?
At the end of the re-make the aliens say 'aw shucks you're OK'.
In the original it's 'change now or we'll come back and kick yer ass'.

Hell, Ahhnie had trouble with Twins.

Can't wait for her 'Spoken Word Tour' ala Hank Rollins.

To quote Joe Schultz, "{expletive deleted} shitfuck, aw {expletive deleted} fuckshit."

Did he play Sonic Smith ?

Cruiseing for heterosexual women that don't look like little boys or have muscles or too big of an Adam's apple.

That comes in F&F3 : The Lube Job.

Waiting for my Hiltonectemy.

It's Carrey's chance to show how much he deserves an Oscar.

Hey 'tits was the omission of Brosnan on purpose ?

Hi, my name is Rob. I'd like to talk about my failed first and dying of aids in a fire.

Thus : Connery>Craig>Brosnan>Dalton>Lazenby>Moore.

James Bond as a fop doesn't work.

Anything by Moore after Live and Let Die was an absolute travesty.

There was a well-publicized court case in Toronto involving one of his family members (brother,cousin,can't recall) and some pot-selling. Neil testified in court about pot smoking. Our family watched this on the evening news. My dad turned to me after and said, 'He's a dope fiend, are you still a fan?" I told him to

Scott Young, a broadcaster ? Well maybe the odd analyst position, but only because he was a well respected writer. Certainly he was best known as a Globe writer. LAAH you is dumb.

And 'No Country..' must have had the the biggest-head-duo ever.

It's one of their lesser movies. Nonetheless it's a better than average film.

Stuck for a film in the vid store, I'd look at the attributed reviews. On this basis I rented Invincible. According to Metacritic he scored it a perfect 100. Half of that would be generous.

Knowing ID Watch Men