angry samoan

I miss her voice everytime I hear his solo stuff.

ABtR you have some original ideas thar. Have you met Bellona ?

Back in the mid-90's I spent a couple of days in bed with a fever. I dreamt I was being held captive by some otherworldly forces ala The X Files. I was renting a house with a couple of friends and they checked on me periodically. After sweating it out, my roomies wanted to know why I had been so hostile and paranoid.

Everybody gotta go, Otto, Otto…

I'll be checking both out, thanks.

@poo, aren't the best horror/suspense films based on societal fear ? Atomic mutations, communist takeovers, big brother scenarios, all inspired such films.

Mmm, some Boxed (Helena) Wine.

Maybe the show needed to go Hal-centric, as the Simpsons relied more on Homer.

The first two seasons were worth watching but it became harder for Muniz to carry the show. It was always the support characters that carried the series.

Only 6 episodes. I woulda guessed like 12 or 15. He fit perfectly, the uncomfortable 'what're we doing' scenes with Elaine were spot on.

I didn't want to see it, made excuses to avoid going and ended up enjoying it. It's not too often a film can overcome such pre-conceptions ( see The DK ).

I concur, the genre needs an infusion or perhaps an amputation. Cut the whole slasher/grossout sub-genre loose. Where's the originality ? Forget the re-makes. Would someone just scare the shit out of me please.

Obviously, a tear has opened between this universe and the one where Pearl Jam is somethng other than boring noise.

The 'Department of Obvious Department' has made a huge mistake…

You've made a huge mistake…

The Matrix Revolutions proved this.

Watchmen II : Taken Manhattan

People think I have the power cause I've got the monkeys. Nope. I've got the power because I'll let the monkeys loose…

I'm not familiar with the term 'too garage-rocky'. it seems like an oxymoron. Might be a good band name though, 2 Garage Rocky.

No more sudden scares for you RW.