angry samoan

Mrs. Samoan and I attended a special midnight opening for Burton's Planet of the Apes. Being fans of Burton and the original flick we were stoked. The first 15 minutes were good and then the first glimpse of the 'ape town'. Two hours of watch-checking and yawning. I vowed never to go to another re-make until someone

To quote Zappa, gag me with a fucking poodle. Not a chance.

The Times fails to understand
This is simply a defence mechanism in Canadian grandmothers. They stay far away from their families. It's only a matter of time before their cocktail is spiked and they wake up, abandoned on an ice floe.

Double diss ; Ice's awful cover meant hearing that song again. Hearing the original was bad enough.

You almost pulled a Homer though.

If the show had still been running in 2001, would their glib indifference have continued to be well received ?

Gunplay, hostages and cat piss, lots and lots of cat piss.

Well then, to whom does the 'real gold medal in Funny' go to ?

Or their new name; Toast.

Yeah this story was as interesting as, " Expect snow in February".

In 1998 BNL were banned from playing Toronto city hall by the Ol' Biddy mayor. That was definitely the height of their local cred.
@Praijelo, you are correct, "The absolute best music is what is never played on the radio…" Not connecting it to BNL is what makes the statement relevant.

Yeah, a lame AD would only be better than 99.97% of what passes for cinematic entertainment now.

There's always money in the Banana Stand…

Spring Break !

I said COT !

I saw David J in a small club in the 80's and his set list definetely revealed an appreciation for American music history. The Dolls' look obviously influenced other bands not necessarily thought of as glam (such as Alice Cooper).

Undervalued no. Underrated badassness yes.

How about a tribute to Nic Cage series. "All of HIS Important Movies - Post 1996". $99.95 for remakes of The Rock, Con Air ,Face/Off, Snake Eyes, Captain Corelli's Mandolin, Windtalkers, National Treasure(s) and Bad Lieutenant. With commentary by Mickey Rourke, Eric Roberts, Harvey Keitel and Courtney Love.

Kathleen Edwards replacing Feist, Elisha been tainted by her idiot ex.

The Dolls are a bridge, between glam and punk, as opposed to a gateway. To call them simply one or the other doesn't quite fit. In ZMF-speak they did however FUCKING OWN.