angry samoan

Apparently the romcom.

Stiil the only awards show worth watching. 'Man On Wire' award was a highlight in the midst of Bill Maher's low points. Seeing DeNiro be human in public was also worthy, as was Penn being in control and not seething.

or crapworthy

Jello Biafra as a border guard in Highway 61,"America is my home. How can I invite a criminal in to my home ?"

or Spock in non-Kirk-speak. His corpse insures that Star Trek will continue to try and live up to 'Wrath'.

Nice, you should see her sister… yowza (at least she was a few years back, when I last saw her).

I thought they were an MC5 cover band.

"A drink, a drink to all my friends", replaced 'cheers' or 'here's to your old address' for a long time.

I enjoyed parts of both. D'onofrio and Rourke owned the scenes they were in.

He's gone to doggy heaven, everywhere he turns he smells another dog's butt.

And where exactly is Peppermint Patty ? Were you the last to know of her orientation ?

Shortest word for said guarantee….who.

I missed the whole p-fuck scene. What does the 'p' stand for ? Would it be pussy? penis? pig? parliamentary? plutocrat? parsnip? parallelogram?

I usually associated the word 'next' with his name. "Ooooh Tim Matheson's in it….next". But Johnny Quest, hmmm, yes, add 10 points.

Is a coxswain the same as a captain ?

Fireproof 2 : Your Bush Is Burning

Hard to stern Mr. Cameron !

And does your god have a monopoly on such things (sorry if I was Reading too much in to this) ?

Sounds like something someone said on 9/11.

The Inevitable
Fireproof 2 : The Resurrection