angry samoan

New Commercial
Self-immolation for Pepsi redux, on pay-per-view. End of money problems.

Movie Exec : So what's Jason's next move ?
Producer : We're thinking at the cineplex.
ME : Kids on the cell? Talkers? Date rapers?
P : Uh sure, lotsa blood.
ME : Who's the guest star ?
P : Alanis Morrisette, gets killed with a spoon in the shower, while singing the title song.

Or 'Up The Neck'' by the Pretenders.

Hiter was the guy that didn't believe in Pyrrhonism. It was actually Hitler's cock found under the rock. Sorry about that.

the titular examples
The Saved Hiter's Cock
Haizman's Brain Is Calling

It's like watching Fox for news.

that's quite a pair

Dildo and Aeneas
The Bartered Bride

A few more,

Affleck's working title is I believe "Going The Full Retard".


It's been a few hours since Anarchy in the YK threw down the firstie gauntlet. Haven't seen a better one in response.

Ode to 'Commenters Gone But Not Forgotten'.

Nothing works the same without Ron and Lux.

Shouldn't that be basterd ?

Shouldn't that be basterd ?

Lem said it like he knew how much it would bother Soderbergh.

Leonard and Sacha ?

Tarantino's the film equivalent of REM.

Let's hope it's a red herring. Maybe at the end of the scene they all start laughing.