angry samoan

The colour you turn just after googling 'Troma' in public.

He looks like he's 'fucking Al Franken' (in this clip).

And by dance, I assume you mean stumble.

Lemmy, this show needs Lemmy.

Duh, AOD that is.

I saw this in a small town on it's second night. Big, beautiful, old theatre with a balcony and cushy seats. My buddies were getting popcorn while I scouted seats cuz it was three minute to show time. There was not one person there. I went back and asked the popcorn guy what he'd be doing if we didn't show. "Going

10 P.M. HUNG — After a local new expose, Ray's penis is given it's own primetime network show. A game show ! Beautiful models hold metal briefcases with varying deegrees of cash. Contestants try to guess which cases carry the greatest amount of cash. The giant penis calls itself Howie. Really.

Well I guess it all better be some sort of funny. Otherwise who's gonna buy this pile of steaming shit ?

Neil Young as 'The Waterboy'
would be as equally shitty. Then again, it couldn't be any goddamn worse !

Hung 11 : Hard To Swallow

10 P.M. HUNG — Ray's new job as a gaffer on 'Batman: In Search of Robin's Eggs' goes awry. Christian Bale goes ballistic when distracted by the giant penis. "Get HIM a fucking codpiece…" hits Youtube and Herbie Hancock sets it to music. Hancock and Cock later set concert attendance records. However, they are banned

Maybe they find it hiding under a rock.

I met Hugh years ago, good/wild guy, and told him that I really enjoyed that cover as well. Glad to see him doing well. I dislike Tim's but somtimes it's the only game in (small) town(s). A friend in NS told me that half of all garbage collected on their hiways says "Tim Horton's".

No wonder I.T. leaves me angry and confused.

Well, he brought home the bacon.

dbl entendre style

that was the idea

Was pansification an audition catch-phrase ?

Ahh, but it wasn't his own.

pen is > sword