angry samoan

I don't agree with Don's suits or his politics. I will, however fight to defend his right to wear cottage drapes on a Saturday night. I applaud him for standing up to those kids on his lawn. I applaud his efforts to combat sports injury-faking. If he wants to wear the pattern from my grandma's sofa on national TV, I

Alfred > Vikings

bears > lions.

Anarchy in the YK. Who'd athunk it?

psst, just don't mention the hockey angle or the Leafs, eh…

Rick Moranis dropped out. Very Canadian. Don't crap on us when Myers goes all-American (Wayne was very Cdn. too).

Otto you're on your own on this one.

And Neil doesn't even qualify as Canadian for the Canadian Grammies anymore. They're called the Junos though, something to do with Ellen Page being from Halifax.

You'd never see Homer toss away an Oscar.

Follow it up with, "Joey Ramone Is Not Dead, He Just Calls Himself Cher Now".

Taken 2 : The Cleaners

I'm thinking with the obviously shemale Monica.

It's totally refreshing that a movie doesn't have to have a happy ending. It is well established that finding the true meaning of family and friendship leads to happy ending. Well now there's a movie that turns this tired cliche on it's ear. Despite the best intentions…aw I can't do it, this is gonna be shit.

Yes. Yes, you did.

I'd echo Lex and Loose. Seeing Henry Rollins attack the stage (a week after buying Damaged) shook my brain. Today my brain would detach.

As I recall that show was 19+. Though I was sneaking in to such shows at 15. The appropriate term would be 'older'.

Otto, you're maybe too young, but, the Pixies at the Concert Hall (around 89-90) was amazing. They played almost everthing from Surfer Rosa, a band on top of their game.

A rheum for me and my minkey.

My lawn is not a resort !

No Bob = No Mats.