angry samoan

Mohammed Rock Stars Are Boss

President Polk was a big supporter of Manifest Destiny. Thus he was made an honorary Dictator.

Norman Schwarzkopf was a General and statesman. He summed up his grasp of Bush diplomacy with, " Going to war without France is like going deer hunting without your accordian. '

Well, Edgar Allan Poe would be 200 years old today.

Yes, the bad old days. No BC bud, fashion on the radio.

You got it. Unless he thinks they can get both. That's called a double dip and was sufficiently covered in a Seinfeld episode.

A Fielder's choice is a player reaching base when the defence chooses to put out another player, already on base. Not to be confused with Fielder's indifference which is anything served with a light vinaigrette.

Would you like that supersized?

Also my lunch. It's friday.

Tango. romeo. oscar. lima. lima.

But it did hide their bag well.

Sorry, are you saying he gave a Rat Scabies?

And maybe the dead pet vet.

Isn't this a month too late?

Whiskeytown was a great live band to boot.

I was doing some drinkin' at a rundown Spadina bar. It was jam night and someone noticed Burton Cummings and coaxed him onstage. He was hammered and sang double-fisted. People always yelled out songs or bands they wanted covered. Some loudmouth requested Ryan Adams. Burton responded, "Why doesn't Bryan Adams just

GF3, now there's a film begging to be re-made. It should properly finish explaining 20th century America.

…and he could be in drag, they'd call it The King of Queens.

Gia? I'm gonna say that works mmmkay.

It gets completely complicated when you talk about 'intentional phony accents'. Seems like an easy-out for bad actors.