angry samoan

Hard to believe anyone would be shocked now by Bad Lt., or Midnight Cowboy, Last Tango in Paris or The Outlaw.

Lem and his brother Lou really go at it over Wilson's visa status.

Hees living out his FANtasy.

Funny haha and funny offensive.

Peevishly flauting yer clarity.

Boss, the 'splain !

I found it implausible that some filthy old rich guy would give a shit about a sled. Oh sorry, maybe it was a teddy bear. Anyway, there's a new werewolf vs. vampire movie opening.

Asde from those listed, there's still Deer Hunter, MeanStreets, Bang the Drum Slowly, even Midnight Run. Pacino's reume doesn't measure up to DeNiro's but who's would ?

It's a stretch to see two seniors solving major crimes. Maybe if they've been shuttled off to the evidence warehouse or something and they stumble on some corrupton, blah,blah,bleh…Better if they'd been doing the crimes still, then showed up some punk kids tryin to put 'em away.

Muppets Take Manhatten : Director's Cut ( He Takes Sides )

"The Muppets take Beaches". And no one ever sees the movie again.

WTF is up with Cameron Diaz ? Looked like she just got ransacked.

As long as it still blows yer head clean off, those new guns leave such a mess.

Is that Billy Van's outfit from Party Game ?

Plus c'est change, plus c'est le suckage.

Certainly two of his westerns are classics.Clint's directed a handful of great movies. And Dirty Harry more than holds his own against Paul Kersey, Shaft or any TV cop.

so is lol

Time to send out the ZMF signal.

A google search shows a lot of bloomin' Dick Flowers.

I picked up some Christmas smoke.