angry samoan


Just sayin' Paul's got too many notes these days.

As far as name calling goes, you could do a whole lot worse Lobsters. The apology was a tad excessive. On the other hand, your Mats critique is spot on.

Master of Asses. I like it, I need me some new business cards.

y'all still on that S.F'n.K. roll?

no way !
"..everybody is an opinionated asshole on the internet now."

Are you from Milton Burl ?

martian palindromite

I'm half angry but full of hate for palindromic peoples.

Acquaintances of mine in college used to refer to gorgeous women as something they would like to skull-fuck. At some sort of trade show, two of them eye-balled Sybil Danning signing pictures. There were only 8-10 guys in line. Just before they got their autographs one of them says something about skull-fucking a

I received that message for 2 hours yesterday, even going to the onion homepage first.

Uh, no Bob, I'm a big angry samoan (you'd never confuse me with anyone's ex-gf), who saw the film with Mrs. angry samoan. The blandness was expected. Tyre's voice jarred me awake, ruining a good snooze. The depiction of Henry VIII rivalled Herman's H's as far as history lessons go.

'spaced' ruins movie
'The Other Boleyn Girl' was ruined when the physician opens his mouth and 'Tyres' speaks. I kept waiting for the good Dr. to start dancing to 'Mary's' wooden, metronome-ical cadence.

"Why…was..Bill O'Reilly..in the bowels of…Colbert?"

Keep T.Howard's dong in the closet. His bong, however, should take it's place of honour on my coffee table.

Mmmmm sexy werewolves..

Fernwood 2Nite
It's release would make me Happy.

The trailers are still the best part of the project.

Best review I've read of this, 'Cruise is fine with the action scenes.Then the other actors start acting, and he sticks out like a sore thumb.'

Use Your Allusion? Can I take Chaucer?