angry samoan

Santa was kicked out of the North Pole to be with Mrs. Santa's sister.

Doing the same shtick in PG and G rated movies kinda diminished what he did in Bad Santa. But still, "Why don't you wish in one hand and shit in the other, see which one fills up first." It's Christmas magic.

mbs, how about some love for the rest of the film's cast. Certainly H.B.Warner, Thomas Mitchell, Lionel Barrymore et al kept Jimmy's perf. from sinking in to a sappy,forgettable flick.

Wally, you're real-douchey-dashey. I'm sincerely sorry about whatever happened to y'all in high school. Troll on though. (I don't have a boss).

Wally, if that's your real name, I somehow doubt you've attacked your target group. I don't think the prom king and queen are posting here. And good luck with the new WebShrink job. ZMF never justifies, he's just the Zodiac, motherfucker.

I hate goofy band names
But Shit Lemerde is, uh, okay.

The Two Boobs in Trading Places
Which ones were you watching Scott?

ZMF is the Fonz on these Happy Days.

The ones being re-made - 3:10 To Yuma - 'Day the Earth Stood Still - Pelham 123 - are pointless. I mean what's the most we can expect from another hostage/ subway movie ? What's next? 3 Days of the Condor? Heathers? Hang'Em High? Maybe re-makes should be restricted to Shakespeare.

Why don't they re-make movies that really need to be re-made? Not ones that are already good, but ones that need to be improved.

Bag of Hash ?
Ummm no. But I'll take that slab of pot off yer hands.

Though none as obvious as last year's hands-down winner : Young People Fucking. Which curiously enough was about young people fucking.

The only way J.Alba gets off this list is by making a por….ooooh Jessica gets off…this list. Er, I don't understand how she gets to be in any film without being nekkid. Any movie she is in automatically qualifies it as awful.

The sub was mentioned. Maybe there should be a 'most disappointing' category called the Lucai. It wasn't awful, just tired.

Also when was P.A. Miller ever that good. And by good I mean hot.

So The Exorcist is dumb? Rosemary's Baby is dumb by association?

'Bug-eyed aliens…poke…Emily Rose…and…Keanu Reeves..Jennifer Connelly..Jaden Smith..Steven Spielberg..Gort..and..that glowing sphere..cute"

Only as administered by a licensed Analrapist.

Yeah, in horror movies science always triumphs. Real science. Like in Frankenstein,The Exorcist or The Ring. With smart actors playing smart characters the audience arrives with the same assumptions 'bee'. It was a smart movie. It certainly wasn't Mel Gibson or John Travolta beating you upside the head with their

Keanu would be, like excellant, as the Tin Man. Or is excellant as the Tin Man.