spaceage martini

I love Joe Walsh too but…
…who is the bigger douche Henley, Sting, or Bono. I hate Sting most because he killed the Police, then brought them back for an overpriced money grab.

Surprised-not as bad as I thought it would be
After streaming this I did not want to pour candle wax in my ears (except maybe after Where's My Sex?). I won't buy it, but i guess it's a step back from the edge for them.

I am not trying to bait anyone or troll but Van Morrison absolutely sucks. Even the Doors' live version of Gloria is infinitely better than his. Almost as bad as the Moody Blues. Awful awful music. No matter how sober, drunk or stoned I have ever been it all blows and I have really tried. And I mean every

"…having to project through the bushiest mustache this side of a Lee Horsley biopic."

I realize this is a pop snapshot, but that was a lot of horrible, horrible music. Having said that, I really enjoy this column, Nathan.

A word about the editing
In the parts when the mother is reading to the daughter, the mom says the princess is is beautiful as a blushing rose. And the film cuts to a still of a rose. This was as good as Gymkata with Kurt Thomas.

My father-in-law had a car dealership/repair shop in Elizabeth, New Jersey. During the latter part of the Sopranos' run, Frank Vincent brought his Cadillac in for some work. For payment, he sent him an autographed picture of himself (no money). That guy is awesome.

Oh…and a token minority too (preferably with a funny accent).

If I only had a hot tub time machine to visit this era. Preferably a bejeweled one. I would bring Mike Myers, Chris Kattan, a closeted Glenn Beck and whole bunch of penicillin.

I always liked ELO and as a kid referred to them as "disco Beatles" which my dad hated. Having said that, they really sucked; even Hall and Oates has aged better. How in the hell did Jeff Lynne get to roll with the Traveling Wilburys?.

FYW-He went to Guadalcanal as a corporal and one of the first days he was there, he was standing next to his CO and a sergeant. The lieutenant fell, the as they heard the shot the sergeant fell (they heard the second shot) and that's when he and the other grunt dropped and got to cover. From then on he never stood

Excellent start
My neighbor Howard (recently passed away) served with and the Army 164th Infantry Battalion attached with the 1st Marine division at Guadalcanal. He would sit for hours over beers and tell me stories of the time he spent there (in a word awesome).

Mutant Manic Pixie Dream Girl?
Morbid Puking Death Gonad.

Jay Leno had VD on Good Times
I saw this as a rerun on TBS in the '80's when Leno was the homecoming performer for our college campus. Fucking hilarious.

I watched this on TV during a sleepover as a kid. The only scary part for the room of seven-year-old boys was when a couple of characters in an abandoned town jump in the car that was full of rattlesnakes, much to their dismay. I think this was the ABC Friday Night Movie.


Two Words
Pink Cadillac

That was a great movie. Jeff Bridges and George Kennedy are absolutely awesome in it.

Seriously, Better Late Than Never? Nathan.

Yeah, Phel, forgot about that scene. This is a good candidate for a staff write up. Not really NCC or MYOF material, maybe better late than never?