spaceage martini

No Searching for Bobby Fischer?
I can't believe this movie wasn't mentioned. The scene when Mantegna shuts up the teacher at Josh's back to school night was the soul crushingly great "there is no chess thing, chess game, it's just chess. He is better at chess than you or I will ever be at anything."

Star Trek The Animated Series
Can we have a prequel of the Filmation animated series? George Lucas could produce it and there could be toys and fruitsnacks and Happy Meals and guest appearances by Sally Kellerman, Teri Garr or Ricardo Montalban.

New Topic
I love your series on country artists flipping off people. Can you feature punks puking on people and ODing next?

Co-opting the blues
I think the Blues Brothers are the tip of the iceberg for insulting where the blues came from. In 1994 I picked up the Who's box set, Maximum R&B. While in line, I was chastised by an 40 something African American couple about R&B and the Blues. We ended up talking about how all of the bands

And How!

Lefty, same story, same song (1995-6?). I hear that song a couple times a year and it still gets me every time.

Keira Knightley discussing VD during WW2. I wonder what ZMF thinks about it. Good interview Noel.

Crime Story was great. It was like a better
Miami Vice without all the lame '80's hip style/culture cliches. It was also better than the crapfest ABC had on opposite it: Moonlighting.

I more than stand corrected…zombies trump all.

This would be my cover if I were Iron Man:

Please clarify
"But that's all in the past, you've gone straight." What exactly is his girlfriend talking about; did he once work for the Rand corporation? Or is it something more?

Thanks , I did mean doves, I am an iiot.

I thought I was the only one
…so this is what it feels like when does cry…

Hey Phipps gave Hotel for Dogs C+.

Hipster Movie Comment Checklist
__ respected Euro director I have never heard of
__ hungry, talented (I presume) actors-also Euro
__ claim to have seen it prior to Sundance, other lame film festivals
__ saw it in a theater that doesn't have popcorn
__ had to explain film's use of violence to friends and what it

Bloom County?
Kick Ass!

Reuben Kincaid and Cousin Oliver
Dude I can't wait to check out the Partridge Family DVDs. Reuben is the greatest character in TV history next to Cousin Oliver and the red shirted dude who dies each week on Trek. Bonaduce and he just kill it.

This guy is awesome. What a trainwreck. I hope Brut and Loni, Britney and Kdirt and the Coreys are guesting.